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PC Meeting <br />10/26/23 <br />Page 2 <br />a. Land Use / Housing/ Reasonable Measures <br />Nancy Eklund, Long Range Planning Manager and Neil Tabor noted that some of the evening's comments <br />would be a refresher of discussion from the 10/5/23 meeting, and that tonight's topics would continue that <br />discussion. Staff walked through the presentation pertaining to housing, noting that a significant emphasis of <br />the Housing Element updates would address racially disparate impacts, issues of equity, and requirements of <br />recent Washington legislative actions. Staff walked through new State requirements and directives from the <br />Department of Commerce and King County Countywide Planning policies and how adopted Tukwila policies <br />were consistent or inconsistent. <br />The City's consultant, Ian Crozier, MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design, provided a presentation <br />regarding the Housing Element. He stated they are ensuring that the element is in compliance with the recent <br />legislative actions, as well as King County Countywide Planning Policies. The Commission had questions <br />about the requirements of HB 1220 pertaining to housing plans addressing the provision of housing to persons <br />of different income bands and the City's responsibility to plan for 1,242 emergency shelter beds. He noted <br />how the Comprehensive Plan can remove barriers to ownership through zoning updates and policy language, <br />noting that Middle Housing options may reduce some of those barriers. He noted that one of the things heard <br />at community meetings and in interviews was that housing affordability was critical. They will focus on <br />ensuring consistency with guidance addressing housing, climate change, and equity. <br />Staff walked through the eight goals from the 2015 Residential Neighborhoods Element and provided a <br />consistency analysis of those with Commerce guidance (identifying if a policy was "S - supportive, A - <br />approaching, or C- challenging" of adopted state guidance). The intent of the review is to reorganize the <br />goals (identifying what content in the Residential Neighborhoods Element should be retained and put in <br />which other elements to avoid redundancies, inconsistencies with guidance, and streamline goals and <br />policies). <br />There was discussion on policy examples - some Commissioners were opposed to striking policy <br />7.3.6 for strict enforcement of codes for neighborhood quality. Staff noted that the city already has a staff of <br />three in code enforcement, and that the language ("neighborhood quality") was vague and guidance from <br />Commerce and others suggested that including this language would be potentially problematic. Staff <br />discussed how intentionally retaining language flagged by Commerce for removal was potentially disruptive <br />to the approval process and could impact the city's ultimate Plan approval and certification by Puget Sound <br />Regional Council (PSRC) (resulting in their not providing needed transportation funding to Tukwila). <br />• A Commissioner expressed concerns about light pollution as a nuisance or an environmental factor that <br />should be considered and requested future discussion. <br />Director's Report <br />• Director Gierloff provided an update on the ordinance extending the Boards and Commission terms <br />from an expiration date of 12/31/23 to 3/30/24. <br />• To meet the goal for the current PC members to complete their public hearing and provide a Comp <br />Plan recommendation by the end of March staff is requesting that Commissioners reserve additional <br />meetings dates in January, February, and March 2024 (second and fourth Thursdays). Proposed <br />meeting dates include the following: <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />2 <br />