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PC Meeting <br />4/27/23 <br />Page 2 <br />Ian Crozier, Consultant, Makers Urban Designs went over the following Middle Housing Project <br />goals: <br />• Establish equity -driven frameworks for engagement. <br />• Analyze potential racially disparate impacts of status quo and proposed policies. <br />• Increase flexibility for Tukwila's neighborhoods to adapt as conditions change while <br />protecting affordability. <br />• Increase housing variety and support residents' needs. <br />He talked about types of Middle Housing and some reasons to allow them such as, affordability, variety, <br />sustainability, and homeownership opportunities. Other key points he discussed were potential code <br />changes and how cities have seen quite a bit of development due to code refoiiu. He also discussed <br />conditions, zoning, studies of parcel development potentials, typical lots, flavors and pros and cons of <br />Middle Housing. <br />He addressed questions from the PC, and there was extensive discussion. <br />Next Steps: <br />• Working on a platfoiui for a social pinpoint site online to learn about the project and <br />complete housing survey. <br />• Work with community -based organizations to plan a public meeting in May. <br />• PC meeting in June on zoning recommendations. <br />• Work with the City to complete racially disparate impacts analysis. <br />PC Request: <br />Infoiivation was requested on State legislature mandates on selling ADUs separately. <br />(2) Legislative Updates <br />Staff provided updates on the following: <br />• E25HB 1110 Middle Housing <br />• HB 1337 ADU Refoini <br />• 2558 5412 SEPA exemptions <br />• ESHB 1293 Process, design review <br />• HB 1181 Climate change in GMA <br />• HB 1042 <br />• RCW 36.70A.620 general parking requirements near transit <br />• 36.70A.698 ADU parking requirements near transit <br />Bills not likely to require updates: <br />• E2SSB 5258 Condo Refoini <br />• 2SHB 1474 Reversing Housing Discrimination <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />