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Planning Commission Minutes <br />1/25/24 <br />Page 2 <br />New Business <br />1. Elements <br />a. Introduction Chapter/Element <br /> <br />Nancy Eklund, AICP, DCD, Long Range Planning Manager, summarized the content in the <br />Introduction/Foundation: why a Comprehensive Plan (comp plan) is written; how it is developed; what the <br />motivators for the comp plan’s content are (e.g., policy guidance); and a summary of the community vision <br />that guides the comp plan. She noted that it begins with the City’s Land Acknowledgment that recognizes <br />that the city is located on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish people. She also addressed questions from <br />the PC, and they made the following recommendations: <br /> <br />Recommendations <br />- Page 11, bullet 2, add the word ‘mandates’ after the word ‘policies’ <br />- Page 16, identify ‘safety’ as a change to make and address in the Strategic Plan <br />- Page 17, first sentence, remove the word ‘all’ <br />- Page 21, second sentence, after the word ‘opportunities’, add language ‘such as Tukwila South’ <br />- Page 22, note the City Plans are adopted by reference <br />- Page 23, the ‘External Agency Plans’ should include utilities such as Valley View and King County <br />Water District 125 <br /> <br />b. Land Use Element <br />Neil Tabor, AICP, DCD, Senior Planner, gave an overview of some of the goals for the Land Use <br />document. He noted that the previous plan did not have a “Land Use element”, as such, and that it was a <br />mandatory element for Comprehensive Plans according to the Growth Management Act and is expected <br />in King County and regional guidance. A future Commission meeting will include more information <br />about this element. <br /> <br />The land use element addresses the key components of land use for the city. He walked through the <br />proposed goals and policies, which included regional roles and obligations. This section pertains to the <br />city’s target for jobs and housing growth. (It was noted that the comp plan would no longer have a <br />Roles and Responsibilities element, and that content would be included in Community Character. <br /> <br />Commissioner Sidhu was opposed to the language on page 57 under “A Healthy and Equitable <br />Community,” policies, bullet two. He said he does not feel it is equitable. Further, he said he is <br />concerned with public safety and said safety is number one for the residents. There was extensive <br />discussion around policies under this section on bullets 2, 3, and 4. The PC were not in consensus; <br />Commissioners Mann, Strander and Sidhu were in favor of striking all three; Commissioners Probst, <br />Teague, and Durant were opposed. There was consensus to retain bullet 4. <br /> <br />Recommendations <br />- Page 57, bullets 2, 3 will be forwarded to the City Council (CC) for their recommendation per a 3:3 vote <br />- Page 58, make language less specific to noise <br />- Page 62, policy bullet 3, make language less prescriptive <br />- Page 63, bullet 3, make public transportation more appealing, clean, safe, and inviting <br />- Page 65, add a bullet to read, ‘promote investment possibility in Tukwila nationally and internationally’ <br />(potentially combine with bullet 3). <br />o Three additional policy options were created for discussion as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />