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Planning Commission Minutes <br />6/27/24 <br />Page 2 <br />Public Hearing <br />Chair Probst opened the public hearing for: <br />File Number L24-0026 - Tiny Home Village (THV) — Zoning Code Amendment <br />Purpose: Consider amendments to enact specific regulations for THVs and make recommendations to <br />the City Council (CC) for their review and adoption. <br />Location: Citywide <br />Chair Probst asked staff to give the presentation. <br />Director Gierloff, DCD, gave the presentation for staff. She noted that a work session was held on this topic at the <br />last PC meeting. She said that the proposed ordinance language would adopt regulations for THVs. She explained <br />that THVs are individual small sleeping structures with shared hygiene and kitchen facilities, which are usually <br />run by organizations that provide social services. This is one of the many types of housing options that provide <br />shelter and support for people to exit homelessness. Currently, there are two THVs in existence in Tukwila, which <br />were approved under the general umbrella of emergency housing. The city would like to adopt specific <br />regulations to make it clear that THVs is an approved use in Tukwila, so people understand the requirements for a <br />new THV or for expanding an existing one. THVs are allowed specifically for religious organizations under RCW <br />35A.21.360. The city is proposing using local control to require a residential model where individuals need to be <br />vetted prior to admission. THVs are designed as temporary housing to help individuals get on their feet, then <br />move on to peiivanent housing within approximately six months. This is different from drop -in shelters with a <br />daily turnover in population. <br />In addition to stating the essential services, the city is requesting that organizations hosting or operating a THV, <br />and the city enter into a three-way Memorandum of Agreement to set out expectations, procedures, and to create a <br />process for dispute resolution. The city did this with the existing THVs and found it to be helpful for working out <br />operating procedures and giving the neighbors an opportunity to have a voice. Director Gierloff explained the <br />maximum number of units on a site is 45 as a starting point. Staff discussed the topic with the Planning and <br />Community Development (PCD) Council Committee to arrive at this number. However, not every site will be <br />able to accommodate that number of units. The role of facility operator was also discussed. This is often a non- <br />profit agency. Staff recommend extending this role to other government agencies as was discussed at the work <br />session. <br />Director Gierloff addressed several clarifying questions from the PC. <br />Public Comment Letter <br />There was one public comment letter received from Jan Bolerjak, prior to 5:00 pm 6/27, which was emailed <br />to the PC upon receipt. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />