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Planning 2012-04-12 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2012-04-26 Planning Commission - Tukwila Home2Suites (Barghausen Consulting Engineers)
Planning 2012-04-12 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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3/18/2014 4:06:10 PM
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4/20/2012 1:44:07 PM
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FINDINGS <br />VICINITY INFORMATION <br />The proposal site is bounded on the north by Minkler Boulevard and on the south by Upland Drive. Union Pacific <br />Railroad (UPRR) spurs line the north, east, and west sides of the parcel and create the parcel's crui ed shape. One and <br />two -story concrete tilt -up buildings surround the property. Aside from the Southcenter Square project to the north -west, <br />the surrounding development occurred in the 1970's. The uses adjacent to the site include a mix of bulls retail, office, and <br />industrial warehouses. <br />PROJECT INFORMATION <br />The proposal is to develop a new 71,760 square foot, four -stoi 139 room hotel building on an existing 2.75 acre vacant <br />lot in the Tukwila Urban Center. An internal drive aisle lined with parking surrounds the building which is situated at an <br />angle to best utilize the odd shaped lot. The lot's shape is defined by railroad spurs and their associated thim foot <br />easements which line the north, east, and western boundaries of the parcel. <br />The project is proposed in two phases due to additional approvals required for access from Minkler Boulevard. Either <br />phase meets all applicable development standards. Phase I includes the building, landscaping and site desl (Yn and creates <br />access N'la two points on Upland Drll'e and has minimal improvements over or within the railroad easements that surround <br />three sides of the site. Phase II improvements include crossing the railroad easements to create access to the site from <br />Minkler Boulevard while eliminating one access point from Upland Drive and creating a Balking path around the site <br />perimeter within the railroad easements. <br />For either phase, the applicant will need to obtain permission from the Union Pacific Railroad to work within their <br />SM Page 2 of 11 04 192012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Lasertiche Packet _attachments L12 -004 staff Report L12 -004 DR SR (2).doex <br />!•J <br />
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