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Part of the corporate identity for Home2 Suites is an "eco- friendly" focus. The landscaping on this site was <br />chosen to be native or drought tolerant to minimize irrigation needs. The landscape architect believes that plant <br />palate and landscape design compliments the modern architectural style of the building. <br />Required perimeter and parking lot landscaping, according to Tukwila Municipal Code (18.52.020 0 3 15), is <br />approximately 9,5(_)(_) square feet. This project provides nearly 19,057 square feet of landscaping plus an <br />additional 1,404 square feet of right of ivay landscaping. The northern most six feet of the required perimeter <br />landscaping along the north frontage occurs within the railroad easement. If the railroad allows this planting, it <br />will consist of low groundcover. If the railroad does not allow work within their easement, the applicant is <br />requesting perimeter landscape averaging to include the landscaping created along the northwest corner of the <br />site. In the fixture, if Minkler Boulevard is expanded due to track abandonment, a separated sidewalk with <br />planting strip would be created and the perimeter landscaping would be continued from the property line to the <br />back of sidewalk. <br />The trash collection area is screened with an enclosure and the enclosure is screened with landscaping on the side <br />adjacent to the street. Site lighting includes pole- mounted lighting in the parking lot landscape islands to <br />illuminate the parking areas. <br />C. Walkivaus, harking .~hares, terraces, am/ other jmvecl areas shall hrornote safety a1A1j)Povicr'e an inviting (//I(/ stable ahhearance. DirectI)Mestrian linkages to thehublic street, to on -site recreation areas, aml to acr'iaeent <br />hublie recreation areas shall behrovicrM. <br />Pedestrian paths surround the building and connect the entrances to the parking areas. Further, exterior paths lead <br />to the outdoor barbeque area and dog lawn. Crosswalks in concrete connect the building to the north and south <br />public rights of ivav and to the parking areas. Walkway_ s and groundcovers are placed in areas susceptible to <br />vehicular overhang and pedestrian traffic. <br />Phase I proposed landscaping will be displaced by the walking path in phase II_ A landscape plan addressing the <br />displacement and replacement -,vas not submitted as part of the Phase 11 proposal. The walking path is partialIv <br />located outside the property- lines along the north side of the site. <br />c1. Ahhrohriate lancr'seahe transition to at r'joininghroherties shall behroviclecl. <br />The t-,-,-o side yards are separated from the adjacent properties by 3(_)' -,vide railroad spurs and associated easements. <br />Side yard landscaping is not required. Groundcover is sho-,-,-n on the landscape plan -,-thin the railroad easement. <br />-l. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES: <br />a. Miscellaneous strzretur Shall be clesignecl as an integral hart of the architectrral eoneeht and lancr'seahe. <br />Materials shall be conymlible with builclings, scale shall be chhrohriate, colors shall be in har °rnony With <br />builclings and surrounclings, and structure hrohortions shall be to scale. <br />Miscellaneous structures consist of a trash collection area, a bike rack for 5 bikes, parking lot light standards, and <br />the outside barbeque area. A freestanding monument sign is proposed along Minkler Boulevard and -,vall signs <br />are proposed on the north, south, and east sides of the building. The freestanding sign is integrated into a <br />monument clad in the same stone used on the building. The site has approximated 650 lineal feet of street <br />frontage shared equally bet-,veen Minkler Boulevard and Upland Drive. The sign code allo-,vs one monument sign <br />for properties with 6()() -799 lineal feet of frontage and allows the monument to be located anvwhere on the site, <br />subject to setbacks. The code also allo-,vs properties -,with multiple street frontages one monument sign per <br />frontage provided each frontage is at least 2(_)(_) lineal feet and each frontage provides direct access to the property <br />(i There are 485 lineal feet of north and south frontage. Perimeter la idscaping in these areas is 15' deep 485' x 15' =7,275 sf of perimeter <br />landscaping). 146 parking spaces each require 15 sf of landscaping 146 x 15 sf =2,190 sf of parking lot landscaping). 7,275 2,190 sf 9,465 sf of <br />required site landscaping. <br />SM Page 7 of 11 04, 1.92012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet attachments L12 -004 Staff Report L12 -004 DR SR (2 ),dory <br />11 <br />