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Planning Commission Minutes <br />12/12/24 <br />Page 3 <br />Commissioner Durant was in favor of encouraging higher density and incentivizing to drive natural <br />development in the direction they want and encourage creativity. <br />Commissioner Halverson said he would like to see an approach different from removing townhomes. <br />Middle Housing <br />An overview was provided of several renderings of potential middle housing products and associated <br />development standards, both with and without parking. Staff noted that a few of the setback numbers were <br />incorrect. Staff has been working on concepts to create reductions to front setbacks and a porch bonus. This <br />would allow porches to project into the front yard up to seven additional feet or provide an eight -foot setback <br />for the porch opposed to a building facade. <br />Commissioner Durant said it feels unsafe when narrow duplexes are oriented with the back of the homes on <br />the public right of way (ROW). She said if lots are going to be developed that way, she would like to see a <br />code requiring that a certain amount of the homes face the ROW to prevent blocks having private roads that <br />are cut off from the main ROW. She said that ideally, narrow triplexes and ADUs in residential areas are front <br />facing to the sidewalk She said maybe there should be a credit incentive for the front porch to face the ROW. <br />Commissioner Halverson said he is personally interested in height incentives. <br />Staff was open to feedback from the PC regarding the things they like, the things they do not like, or what <br />would help with future meetings as they begin the review process. <br />Commissioner Halverson requested infoiivation from the Puget Sound Regional Fire Administration <br />(PSRFA) on what kind of trucks they plan to use, whether they can allow a 300 ft dead end without a <br />turnaround, the maximum depth of the fire hydrant and if it aligns with the average lot line. <br />Commissioner Durant said she is still trying to understand the sequence of events. She asked some <br />clarifying questions and asked if there is a requirement to implement code reflecting the Comp Plan by a <br />certain date. Staff said yes by individual items. Staff also said some items will come back as PC agenda <br />items. <br />Commissioner Durant requested a future update on the tree code. <br />Commissioner Halverson requested infoiuiation on stoiuiwater and inquired about stoiniwater incentives. <br />Director's Report <br />Staff said that PC teiius were changed last year and will now expire in March instead of December. <br />The City Attorney will be conducting annual training with the PC. The PC were asked if there were any <br />training items that they would like to have beefed up. <br />Staff agreed to look for literature for the PC at the request of Commissioner McLeland Wieser. <br />Commissioner Halverson requested that the departments related to planning, such as fire and police, <br />attend a PC meeting and talk to them about what they do and how they do it. <br />Commissioner Strander thanked staff for providing the design review infoiivation and asked if it could be <br />added to the Director's Report in the future when there are design review items. Staff said they could <br />provide a month -by -month update. <br />Staff said they will send out the development if they have it. <br />Staff offered to introduce the PC to their web page. <br />Staff said they are working on a fee calculator for impact fees, which they hope to have available soon. <br />Staff infoiiued the PC that the rotation of the PC Chair and Vice Chair happens in April. <br />Staff will work with CC regarding how their workload will move forward. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />