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PC Worksession Minutes <br />l\lac 24, 2012 <br />Recommendation: Weather Protection Commissioner McLeod recommended emphasizing the shopping <br />experience. <br />Revision: Weather Protection Commissioner Shumate asked if translucent awnings could be <br />permitted if quality material that is less translucent is used. Staff said they would <br />revise the language to clarify the allowance of quality material. <br />Commissioner Hansen inquired about the public hearing notification process, saying that the notice <br />is critical, because there is a lot of information to digest. <br />Staff stated that a notice was published in the newspaper, which stated that the public hearing will be <br />held one week prior to the normally scheduled meeting. The notice informed the public that there <br />will be an informational open house on the Southcenter plan materials on July 17 t A public notice <br />was also mailed to property owners and residents in the Urban Center. In addition to the mailing, <br />there have been email updates to a database of "interested parties and there is a website where the <br />drafts can be reviewed. <br />Following some discussion staff said, they will look into having the notice placed on channel 2 <br />Commissioner Hansen also inquired whether there was an intersection between the Strategic Plan and the <br />Southcenter Plan. He suggested making sure the ideas are being intersected because some of the same things <br />are being discussed in both plans. <br />He also said that he is in agreement with Commissioner McLeod's recommendation requesting to revise the <br />language, "four sides of the building'. <br />Commissioner Shumate said that the plan is good, and will help developers, but expressed concern with the <br />possibility of it looking monotonous and stifling innovation if the plan is followed to the letter. <br />Commissioner McLeod said that he is concerned with the district name, "Work Place District," He said the <br />name does not designate where it is located in the Urban Center, and suggested staff considers changing the <br />name. <br />Commissioner McLeod asked if on -line shopping will change anNihing. He also said there needs to be more <br />destinations. He said the map on page seven shows a road right next to the pond, which he thinks in order to <br />make a destination in the area that Tukwila Pond Park needs expanding. He suggested making the pond a <br />place where people will want to hang out and also suggested using the pond to entice people to come into the <br />Urban Center. He said that the pond could be one of the crowning jewels to the Urban Center, and that it <br />should be part of the vision. <br />He also said that the Commission needs to be provided with some histoiv of past City Council decisions on <br />the Urban Center, wluch will help the Planning Commission to make decisions and recommendations. He <br />asked if there is a way to better understand the lustoiy or decisions that have been made, or the tone that has <br />been set regarding the Urban Center and the vision. He also asked how the PC ties into some of the work that <br />has already occurred; in order to be more harmonious with what's currently happening with the plan. <br />Commissioner Strander said that she agrees with Commissioner McLeod's comments, and that it would be <br />vein helpful to receive background of intent, where the plan is now, and the history of the plan. She said that <br />she would be very open to receiving background documents. <br />Staff said that they provide the Commission with links to the laserflche records of past City Council <br />meetings pertaining to the Urban Center so they can retrieve and review copies of the minutes. The minutes <br />will reflect discussions from status briefings, and joint City Council and Planning Commission ivorksess ions. <br />Staff also noted that the City Council has not formally reviewed any version of the draft plan. Staff also said <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />2 <br />