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Planning 2012-04-26 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review - Tukwila Home2Suites (Barghausen Consulting Engineers)
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Planning 2012-04-26 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review - Tukwila Home2Suites (Barghausen Consulting Engineers)
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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Minutes <br />Date: April 26, 2012 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair; Thomas McLeod, Vice Chair; Commissioners, Louise Strander, David <br />Shumate, Mike Hansen <br />Absent: Commissioner Aaron Hundtofte and Jeri Frangello- Anderson <br />Staff: Minnie Dhaliwal, Planning Supervisor, Stacy MacGregor, Assistant Planner, and Wynetta <br />Bivens, Planning Commission Secretary <br />Chair Alford opened the public hearing at 6:30 PM. <br />Minutes: Commissioner Strander made a motion to adopt the March 22, 2012 minutes. Commissioner <br />McLeod seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />CASE NUMBER: L12 -004 <br />APPLICANT: Dan Balmelli for Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. <br />REQUEST: Public Hearing Design Review for a new 4- story, 139 room extended -stay hotel <br />building with associated parking and landscaping. <br />LOCATION: 300 Upland Drive, Tukwila, WA <br />Chair Alford swore in those wishing to testify. <br />Staff asked the Planning Commissioners the Appearance of Fairness questions. <br />Stacy MacGregor, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development, gave the staff presentation. <br />She handed out a revised first page of the staff report regarding the proposed changes to color renderings <br />attachment G, H, and 1, which were not received in time to include in the packet. She explained that the <br />Hilton requested color and height changes be made to the tower so that it would be emphasized and reflect <br />their branding. Additionally, the bright green color on the tower shown in the attachment G rendering is a <br />different color than the green on the `Home2 Suites by Hilton sign. The intent was for both to be the same <br />green color. The BAR supported staff drafting language stating that the tower shall match the green color of <br />the number 2 on the sign as a condition of approval. <br />An overview was given of the project. Site complications due to a railroad easement require that the applicant <br />develops the project in two phases. There is currently an access issue due to a condition that was placed on <br />this sub division in the 1970's. The applicant would like to create a drive from the parcel onto Minkler. To <br />do so, they need to get permission from the Railroad to cross their tracks, and they need to get the sub- <br />division modified to remove a condition which prevents access from the site onto Minkler. However, without <br />these permissions the applicant will still be able to precede with Phase I of the project. By requesting <br />approval for both Phase I and 11 of the project now, if the applicant receives the necessary permissions they <br />will not need to return at a later date for BAR approval on Phase 11 of the project. If permissions are not <br />obtained, Phase I meets code requirements, and it would work as a stand -alone project if only Phase I is <br />completely developed. The project meets the criteria, codes, and exceeds landscaping requirements. Staff <br />recommends approval of the project with four conditions as listed in the Apri113, 2012 staff report. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />
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