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Planning 2012-06-28 Minutes - Work Session - Book 2 of Draft Southcenter Plan / Southcenter Design Manual
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Planning 2012-06-28 Minutes - Work Session - Book 2 of Draft Southcenter Plan / Southcenter Design Manual
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PC Worksession Minutes <br />June 28, 2012 <br />Staff said that they will provide the Commission with links to the laserfiche records of past City Council <br />meetings pertaining to the Urban Center so they can retrieve and review copies of the minutes. The minutes <br />will reflect discussions from status briefings, and joint City Council and Planning Commission worksessions. <br />Staff also noted that the City Council has not formally reviewed any version of the draft plan. Staff also said <br />that the Commission can access a matrix of past public comments on the website, and see how the comments <br />were dealt with in the re- write. <br />Commissioner McLeod offered those in attendance at the worksession the opportunity to speak and share <br />thoughts that they would like for the Commission to hear and consider. <br />Jamie Durkin, Landuse Consultant/Lobbyist, said that getting people to live in the core starts with a vibrant <br />community and also a work force. He said the key for it to work is to have residents in and amongst the <br />commercial development. He said, therefore, the manuals, particularly the proposed code needs to be <br />favorable to developing residential development within the Urban Center. Mr. Durkin suggested that the <br />following sections in the proposed code are reconsidered, 1) 18.28.620.B.5.a. Pedestrian Walking distance, <br />the proximity to the Transit Station at Longacres site. He said that in the current draft there is no parking <br />requirement within 600 ft. of the site, which is not very big; 2) 18.28.020.C. the number of units that can be <br />built before Design Review is triggered. Mr. Durkin said up to 28 -30 units should be allowed before Design <br />Review is triggered. He suggested encouraging developers to build 25 -30 unit condos with retail below them, <br />and making it as easy as possible for developers to create residential facilities within the area <br />Chuck Parrish, citizen/past Planning Commission Member shared some of his recollections on the Urban <br />Center and the City Council and stakeholder's positions in the past. He said that some of the triggers and <br />thresholds were perhaps a bit too strict in the past. He suggested that the triggers and thresholds may be <br />something to take a look at during review. <br />Commissioner Strander said that she is interested in the 600 ft. walkable distant, and said if walking and <br />living in the Urban Center is being encouraged, it makes sense to expand some of the regulations. <br />Staff said that the Commission could certainly choose to recommend extending the pedestrian walkable <br />distance. <br />Commissioner McLeod said that is valid and that it should be givens some further thought. <br />Addition to Matrix: The decision was made to add the comment to increase the pedestrian walking distance <br />in the matrix and bring it back to the Commission after the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Strander also raised the issue regarding the threshold for the number of units allowed before <br />Design Review is triggered. Discussion followed. <br />Commissioner Shumate asked how much of a financial burden it would be for a developer to go through <br />Design Review. Staff said that time is the main issue. <br />Commissioner Shumate reported that he and Commissioner Hansen are on the Tukwila Strategic Plan <br />Steering Committee and described the purpose of the plan. He said there is a survey on the City website that <br />everyone, including City employees and individuals that do not live in Tukwila can complete, and encouraged <br />spreading the word. <br />Director's Report <br />Volunteers are needed for the Tree and Environment Advisory Committee. They will meet 6 8 <br />months to make policy recommendations. <br />Next, the PC will review the new standards for the Tree Ordinance and Landscape Code. <br />The PC was informed that Commissioner Frangello- Anderson has resigned from the board. <br />Adjourned: 8:30 PM <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />
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