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PC Public Hearing Minutes <br />August 23, 2012 <br />losing potential developers; retail and sales tax leakage to other jurisdictions; concern with the City's approach; <br />burdens on regulations in the TUC on existing business owners; new requirements and impacts to landlords and <br />tenants such as replacing a roof, which would trigger new requirements; no transportation impact analysis on <br />draft plan; sufficient capital facilities such as utilities; sewer system capacity for growth and development; cost of <br />off -site improvements on new development; urban center goals; obligations of an urban center and what it means <br />to be an urban center; what the obligations are as a City; strict design guidelines; growth targets; concerned that <br />the TUC Plan does the opposite of encouraging growth and meeting certain thresholds. Ms. Balint raised issues <br />of concerns as a result of an EcoNorthwest study completed on the earlier version of the plan; Ms. Balint said she <br />is not ready to address the level of detail for specific concerns until after the general concerns are addressed. <br />Commissioner McLeod asked if Ms. Balint's letter would suggest the recommended changes, she's requesting. <br />Ms. Balint said there are specific recommendations in her documentation, but if the Commission does not want <br />staff to go back and do more work then they would like the opportunity to meet with staff one on one to discuss <br />their specific concerns. She also mentioned that SEPA is supposed to be performed at the earliest point and time <br />possible, as a tool to guide decision making to inform decision makers. So she hopes the environmental review is <br />done as early in the process as possible at this point. <br />Commissioner Mann inquired on the City's participation in developer incentives. <br />Staff confirmed that incentives have been added to the current draft of the plan. <br />Chair Alford stated that some of Ms. Balint's comments did not seem consistent with the current draft plan. <br />Ms. Balint said she was looking at the most recent draft. <br />Commissioner Hanson asked staff to address the comment that Ms. Balint made regarding impacts to a property <br />owner replacing a roof. He asked if it was an accurate depiction of what's possible. <br />Staff said in accordance with the current code, if exterior changes are greater than 10% of the building value, it <br />would trigger Design Review. For non conforming buildings, when a building is destroyed by more than 50 it <br />needs to be rebuilt. Staff said that generally roof replacements have not triggered Design Review. <br />Mr. Balint requested that the code is clarified regarding required improvements to existing buildings, etc. when a <br />property owner makes improvements that exceed 10% of the value of the building. <br />Commissioner Strander inquired whether the EcoNorthwest study was on the City's website. <br />Staff replied that it had not been removed from the web site since it was presented in 2009. <br />Bob Schofield, developer, said that he has been developing on Southcenter Parkway since 1974, and provided <br />comments on where he thinks the City is economically. He said there are lots of vacancies and the stores are <br />hurting very badly. He doesn't think that the rents on West Valley Highway and Strander are one quarter of the <br />rents on Southcenter Parkway anymore. He said Southcenter should be a much more powerful market, but the <br />ability to gain new tenants and hold onto old ones has really declined over the last three or four years. Mr. <br />Schofield said that he really admires staff and their work greatly and he understands what they are doing, but he <br />knows that we are facing very tough times and we have to be very careful with what we do and when we do it. <br />He encourages staff to be extremely careful in considering their tax base. <br />Commissioner Mann inquired about the decline in sales, and asked Mr. Schofield if he saw development of the <br />residential area in Southcenter as a potential built -in clientele that are more apt to shop in the area. <br />Mr. Scolfield said that you have to be very careful to what you impose on everything in the plan, and said that he <br />thinks there's a bigger problem that he doesn't want the City to lose sight of. He said the City needs to keep a <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />