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Planning 2012-10-25 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2012-10-25 Planning Commission Work Session - Public Comment Matrix, Southcenter Comprehensive Plan, Design Manual and Southcenter Plan
Planning 2012-10-25 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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10/19/2012 9:00:03 AM
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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />3) Supporting existing businesses and attracting new; and, <br />4) Creating opportunities for residential development in appropriate areas. <br />It was proposed that an initial catalyst of public investment in key areas would be needed to <br />leverage this vision of enhanced and diversified economic vitality. <br />The policies set forth in this Comprehensive Plan element support and extend the qualities of the <br />existing center that have been responsible for its economic success in the past, and expand on these <br />characteristics. Land use polices focus on flexibility in and diversity of uses. Urban design policies <br />provide a vision for the community, to be achieved through public and private sector initiative and <br />cooperation. Transportation and circulation policies emphasize accessibility as a key factor, as well <br />as choice in transportation modes and routes. These policies will reinforce future competitiveness <br />and will create an urban center that gives identity to the City for the surrounding neighborhoods and <br />for the region. <br />ISSUES <br />The area comprising Southcenter currently provides regional comparison shopping, major discount <br />shopping, major facilities for incubator businesses, entertainment, and a full range of professional <br />services. It encompasses more intensely developed areas such as Westfield Southcenter Mall and <br />Andover Industrial Park, transportation facilities such as the Sounder commuter rail /Amtrak station, <br />and natural features and amenities such as Tukwila Pond, Minkler Pond, and the Green River. <br />Retail uses dominate Southcenter; Westfield Southcenter Mall, in the northwest corner of the <br />center, is the largest regional shopping mall in the Seattle area. Warehouse uses are more prominent <br />in the area to the south. <br />A goal of growth management is to integrate housing and job growth in order to reduce the need for <br />long commutes, and to keep living and working communities easily accessible to each other. <br />Southcenter is considered a significant employment center within the Puget Sound region, <br />providing jobs to residents and nearby communities. However, considerable residential <br />development is needed in the urban center to meet the City's housing targets. Consequently, the <br />vision for Southcenter responds by expanding opportunities for housing, accommodating the <br />majority of the City's projected housing needs, and addressing the types of amenities and <br />infrastructure needed to attract quality housing. <br />The vision for Southcenter takes into account the King County Countywide Planning Policies <br />criteria for urban centers and has been formulated by recognizing that "the intent of the Countywide <br />Planning Policies is to encourage the growth of each urban center as a unique, vibrant community <br />that is an attractive place to live and work, will support efficient public services including transit, <br />and responds to local needs and markets for jobs and housing" (King County Ordinance No. 11446, <br />Section D2, lines 25 -28). <br />The goals and policies of this element recognize that Southcenter's path for higher- density growth <br />will take place during and beyond the 20 -year horizon of the Countywide Policies. While urban <br />centers play an integral role in the regional vision, the Countywide Policies clearly delineate that <br />2 W. long Range ProjectslSouthcenter PlanlPlan 20111FINAL PC RECOMMENDED DOCS Oct 20121FINAL <br />Ch10 -TUC PCVersion CLEAN 10.16.12.docx <br />Rl <br />
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