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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila "s Urban Center <br />VISION STATEMENT <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's urban center, is an economically vibrant, motor vehicle oriented area. It <br />owes much of its success to a high level of regional accessibility and in the past, a lack of <br />competition within the region, as well as the 30+ year vision and vigor of its development <br />community. <br />The land use, design and transportation portions of the Southcenter Plan focus on what it takes to <br />keep the area's successful economic engine running, and to make Southcenter more competitive and <br />attractive over the long term transitioning Southcenter into a great place for working, shopping, <br />doing business, living and playing. Great places contribute to the well -being of people and <br />communities. An area made up of great places will continue to attract people and their expenditures. <br />These attracted expenditures, in turn, provide the City of Tukwila the fiscal means to continue <br />providing our community with excellent public services and improvements. <br />The vision for Southcenter's next 30 -50 years foresees a high density area with regional <br />employment, walkable, as well as auto oriented shopping and entertainment districts, areas of high <br />quality housing near water amenities and within walking distance of the Sounder commuter <br />rail/Amtrak station and the new bus transit center, and recreational opportunities for business <br />people, residents, and visitors. Support for interlinked transit and a pedestrian system to supplement <br />an improved road network are included in the future; as well as sensitively enhancing the <br />accessibility to the City's natural amenities, such as Tukwila Pond, Minkler Pond, and the Green <br />River. <br />Achieving this long -range vision of an economically and environmentally sustainable community is <br />anticipated to be a gradual process. It should be pursued by reinforcing the Southcenter's strengths <br />and increasing its overall attractiveness through a combination of public and private investment. <br />This would support both new and existing businesses and the continuation of market- sensitive <br />transitions. <br />Notable future features include: <br />Improved connection between Westfield Southcenter Mall and Tukwila Pond Park. <br />A core area of high quality, walkable retail, entertainment, housing, public spaces and <br />employment creating a memorable destination within the region. <br />Anchor areas linked by frequent transit service (5 to 10 minute busses or shuttles), <br />enhanced with public and private pedestrian facilities, and development standards <br />supporting this type of built environment. <br />High quality transit and pedestrian facilities, focusing on creating strong connections <br />between the Mall and the Sounder commuter rail/Amtrak station. <br />Overall improvements to the network of streets, trails, sidewalks, and other infrastructure. <br />4 W. long Range ProjectslSouthcenter PlanlPlan 20111FINAL PC RECOMMENDED DOCS Oct 20121FINAL <br />Ch10 -TUC PCVersion CLEAN 10.16.12.docx <br />irs <br />