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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />Figure 29 Landscaping in parking areas <br />Factor pedestrian safety and convenience into parking lot design standards. <br />Continue Commute Trip Reduction Programs and other Transportation Demand <br />Management Programs. Incorporate the Growth Transportation Efficiency Center <br />(GTEC) into transportation and land use planning in Southcenter <br />10.2.9 Building Design. Promote high quality, market feasible architecture in Southcenter, <br />with attention to standards and guidelines which: <br />Promote an appropriate display of scale and proportion; <br />Give special attention to developing pedestrian- oriented features and streetfront <br />activity areas such as ground floor windows, modulated building facades, rich <br />details in material and signage; <br />Provide quality landscape treatment; <br />Provide an appropriate relationship to adjacent sites and features and; <br />e. Encourage overall building quality, and sensitivity to, and respect for, the area's <br />important natural amenities such as the Green River and Tukwila Pond. <br />Include property owners in developing urban design guidelines to ensure that the intent <br />of this policy is met. <br />10.2.10 Signage. Develop a directional sign program to aid pedestrians, bicyclists, and <br />motorists in wayfinding through Southcenter. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />Identify appropriate design guidelines and locations for directional signage for <br />shopping, access to amenities and leisure activities, in order to alleviate congestion <br />in key corridors and intersections <br />12 W. long Range ProjectslSouthcenter PlanlPlan 20111FINAL PC RECOMMENDED DOCS Oct 20121FINAL <br />Ch10 -TUC PCVersion CLEAN 10.16.12.docx <br />IN <br />