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Commission's recommendations for all the elements, because the Growth Management Act allows the <br />Comprehensive Plan to be amended no more than once each year unless there is an emergency. The <br />remaining elements will be reviewed during 2014, and adopted before the June 30, 2015 deadline. <br />The Comprehensive Plan update includes the following assumptions: <br />• Primary goals and objectives remain relevant and will be maintained from the current Plan; <br />• Updates will focus on elements that require revision per changes to the Washington Growth <br />Management Act, and Countywide Planning Policies; <br />• Tukwila Strategic Plan's vision and goals will be reflected and incorporated in the <br />Comprehensive Plan; <br />• Policies and descriptions will be updated, simplified and edited to increase clarity and <br />consistency throughout the document; <br />• The format will be updated to improve on -line functionality and attractiveness; <br />• The document's elements may be reorganized or consolidated for greater readability and <br />conciseness <br />SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES <br />Capital Facilities Element: <br />The proposed policies and implementation strategies clarify priorities for capital facilities expenditures, <br />and align them more closely with adopted regional growth targets, and Tukwila's goals and priorities. <br />Policy changes include: <br />• Move and consolidate Capital Improvement Program policies with Comprehensive Plan policies. <br />• Modify and add policies to include regional priorities, as well as the priorities that residents <br />expressed in Tukwila's Strategic Plan (2012). <br />• Use a decision matrix that selects projects that implement Comprehensive Plan Goals. <br />• Establish the following order of priorities for the City's capital facilities: <br />1. Regular inspection of systems for evaluation and to ensure conformity with current safety <br />standards; <br />2. Prioritizing projects when making improvements if the public health and safety is at risk; <br />3. Preventive maintenance and cost effective replacement of aging elements; and <br />4. Planning for the orderly extension and upgrading of capital systems <br />• Link growth targets and level of service standards with facility planning. <br />Utilities Element: <br />The proposed changes primarily update, reorganize, consolidate and /or clarify existing policies and <br />implementation strategies. Issue statements have been updated to add discussion of neighborhood and <br />subarea vitality, systems maintenance, and sustainability. <br />Policy changes include: <br />• Modify or change policy wording to further regional priorities for environmental sustainability <br />and compact development, and /or incorporate the priorities that residents expressed in <br />RF Page 3 of 4 04/17/2013 <br />43 <br />