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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />and private investment. This would support both new and existing businesses and the continuation <br />of market- sensitive transitions. <br />Notable future features of the Southcenter Subarea Plan that will implement the Vision include: <br />• Improved connection between Westfield Southcenter Mall and Tukwila Pond Park. <br />• A core area of high quality, walkable retail, entertainment, housing, public spaces and <br />employment creating a memorable destination within the region. <br />• Anchor areas linked by frequent transit service (5 to 10 minute busses or shuttles), <br />enhanced with public and private pedestrian facilities, and development standards <br />supporting this type of built environment. <br />• High - quality transit and pedestrian facilities, focusing on creating strong connections <br />between the Mall and the Sounder commuter rail /Amtrak station. <br />• Overall improvements to the network of streets, trails, sidewalks, and other infrastructure. <br />• Encouragement of a pedestrian - oriented environment through building and streetscape <br />design standards and guidelines. <br />• Sub- districts differentiated through uses and development standards. <br />Southcenter's Boundaries <br />Northern - Properties south of Interstate 405 <br />Southern - 180th Street with some properties on south side of the street <br />Eastern - The center of the Green River between 180th Street and the southern boundary of <br />properties which abut the south side of the Strander Boulevard alignment, thence <br />eastward to the City limits. <br />Western - Toe of west valley wall <br />6 Z:IDCD n Clerk'sIPC Laserfiche Packet105 -23 -13 PC Packet110 -TUC PC Berk with Staff edits.docx <br />May 2013 <br />16 <br />