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Planning 2013-05-23 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2013-05-23 Planning Commission - Southcenter / Tukwila Urban Center and Transportation Element of Comprehensive Plan
Planning 2013-05-23 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />Figure 25 — Envisioned Southcenter open space amenity <br />0.2.2 <br />Green River. In conjunction with the City's Shoreline Master Program and flood <br />......�...��....��..w <br />protection goals for the Green River, as Southcenter redevelops maintain or improve the <br />River's visual and physical accessibility for residents, workers, businesses and civic life. <br />Implementation Strategies <br />▪ Develop a vegetation Ilan for the mid slope bench of the levee that ensures view <br />corridors are maintained at appropriate intervals when sections of the levee are set <br />back in accordance with the City's approved Shoreline Master program's levee <br />profile. <br />Develop a plan that ensures that the potential public access points at street ends <br />identified in City's Shoreline Master Program are implemented as redevelopment <br />occurs in Southcenter. <br />10.22 Streets, Streetscape, and Pedestrian Environment. Create a "complete street" <br />network that establishes a finer grained street grid, reflects the demand and need for <br />motor vehicles, transit, pedestrians, and bicyclists; and provides a safe, convenient, <br />attractive, and comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment. Ensure that street <br />designer eliminates potential conflicts,aiiik promotes safety for all nodes of travel <br />and maintains emergency services response capabilities. ; and rReinforces the different <br />functions of streets by creating distinct identities for major rights -of -way. (Figure 26) <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />• Prepare a '1 system of public and private service streets, cCoordinated with the City <br />Public Works Department to create a Street Master Plan for the wwSouthcenter <br />AreaStreet Network Plan ON“ etia�wwuMnshks...:u V nner �r unoned street wsywswtem of public and <br />private streets for the Southcenter area and regooires rle ve,(<(ugnnner nND share in U. e cost. <br />oll.zovidling newwwDAR. Vs.l <br />111111111111 Identify and e lnplov Ineeln utolu,ntis...a <br />p �bli� Vront a ,e U nprovelnents eau 1 <br />V'Lauto. <br />MasterNetwork <br />• Coordinate with the Public Works Department to prepare an access management <br />plan for the Southcenter area which requires the consolidation of driveways and <br />access points, wherever possible <br />Use Ddcvelopment regulations to maximize visibility at intersections for safety <br />Develop_Sstreetscape design standards that reflect distinct street type, identity, mode <br />of transportation served, and design goals <br />Comment [P16]: Moved from 10.2.11 <br />Comment [P17]: Deleted. Covered in <br />Shoreline Element under 5.3.7, Goal 5.6 & <br />related policies <br />Comment [LM18]: Planting and maintenance <br />of vegetation in buffer area with regards to <br />maintaining views of river is already included <br />in the shoreline master program regulations, <br />Section 9.10.C.1.1 and under same subsection, <br />D.1 Vegetation management. <br />Comment [LM19]: Deleted. Covered under <br />Shoreline Element Goal 5.6 Access & <br />Recreational Use, & related policies <br />Comment [LM20]: Reworded to improve <br />clarity and readability. <br />Comment [LM21]: Requested addition by <br />Fire Dept. <br />Comment [LM22]: Reworded to improve <br />clarity and readability <br />Comment [LM23]: Repetitive <br />ra f „May 2013 11 <br />21 <br />
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