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Tukwila Tree and Environment Advisory Committee <br />Meeting Notes <br />Meeting 3, November 28, 2012 <br />Committee Members in Attendance: Sean Albert, Nancy Eklund, Christian Faltenberger, De'Sean <br />Quinn , Stephen Reilly, Don Scanlon, David Shumate, Kathleen Wilson <br />Committee Members Absent: Heidi Watters <br />Members of the Public in Attendance: Daryl Tapio <br />Staff in Attendance: Carol Lumb, Sandra Whiting, Nora Gierloff <br />The meeting began at 6:05 p.m. <br />Topics of Discussion: <br />1. Welcome to Committee members and visitors. <br />2. Public comment: (Time will be set aside at the beginning of each meeting for brief public <br />comments; the Committee is meeting in work session format, therefore, questions or <br />comments from the public that come up during the course of the meeting should be directed to <br />staff via e-mail or telephone calls after the meeting.) <br />There was no public comment. <br />3. Check -in with Committee members: The Chair asked if Committee members have any questions <br />or comments from the previous meeting that they wanted to discuss <br />• The Committee asked whether staff agreed with Linden Mead's comments about use of <br />native trees (that due to their size at maturity they often are not a good fit for urban <br />settings) - staff agrees with Ms. Mead's comments and the general rule of thumb "right tree, <br />right place" — being sure you think about what the appropriate tree is for the space that you <br />have. <br />• There was general discussion that studies have shown that much wetland mitigation is not <br />successful, how the Federal and State governments have revised wetland mitigation <br />requirements and actions to improve success and the extent to which there is follow up <br />after mitigation is in place. <br />4. Housekeeping: <br />• The Committee discussed possibly meeting on either Tuesday, December 18th or Thursday, <br />December 20th instead of Wednesday, December 19th because two Committee members <br />have a conflict with the 12/19 meeting. Staff will check with Committee member Heidi <br />Watters on her availability for the alternate dates. <br />• The Committee approved the meeting notes from the 11- 1- 12meeting with no <br />corrections /revisions. <br />5. Powerpoint presentation by Sandra Whiting, Urban Environmentalist, on the City's Sensitive <br />Area Ordinance (SAO), found in TMC 18.45, to provide background information to the <br />Committee since the current goals and policies in the Natural Environment Chapter of the <br />Comprehensive Plan largely address sensitive areas issues. Sandra discussed the federal and <br />CL Page 1 of 3 11/13/2012 4:58 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \Urban Forestry\Advisory Committee Materials \Meeting Notes 11 -28 -12 <br />103 <br />