City of Tukwila
<br />Planning Commission
<br />Planning Commission (PC) Minutes
<br />Date: December 15, 2011
<br />Time: 6:')0 PM
<br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers
<br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair, Thomas McLeod, Vice Chair, Commissioners, Louise Strander, David
<br />Shumate, Aaron Hundtofte, and Mike Hansen
<br />Absent: Commissioner, Jeri Frangello- Anderson
<br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy DCD Director, Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Cyndv Knighton, Senior
<br />Transportation Engineer, Public Works Department, and Wynetta Bivens, Planning Commission
<br />Secretaiy
<br />Chair Alford opened the Nvorksession at 6: PM.
<br />Minutes: Commissioner Hanson made a motion to adopt the November 11, 2011 minutes. Commissioner
<br />Shumate seconded the motion. The motion Nvas unanimously approved.
<br />Cyndy Knighton, Senior Transportation Engineer, Public Works Department, gave an oveii ievv of the kinds
<br />of transportation infrastructure going on in the Urban Center, and some background of what the Citv is
<br />currently doing. She explained that Public Works is responsible for maintaining the public infrastructure,
<br />such as the roads, the signals, water, sewer, and stornnivater for the public to use. The Public Works
<br />Department operates under requirements that are defined by state law and the RCW. The fast Transportation
<br />Element ivas adopted in 1995, in accordance with the Grovah Management Act. In 2005, the Transportation
<br />Element Nvas updated, and established the current level of seiirice standards Public Works is operating under
<br />today. In 2(_)12, Public Works will take to the Planning Commission another update to the Transportation
<br />Element. Public Works has been working on projects in support of the Southcenter Plan, and working toward
<br />iniplementing the vision, and bringing foixvard a more urban dense pedestrian friendly type of urban center.
<br />Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development provided some background on
<br />the revised Book 1 Draft. Then a general overview Nvas given of the revised Book 1 Draft, which originally
<br />had seven districts and Nvas revised to five districts. Review of the revised Book 1 Draft followed.
<br />Revisions /Action Item Orientation
<br />Addition: Planning Principles for Great Cities, GMA and KCPP establish certain criteria for cities to
<br />accomplish as an urban center, but not how to go about it. These planning principles will help:
<br />(1) Make great streets, (2) Break up the super blocks, (3) Create a memorable built environment, (=4) Make
<br />great public spaces, (5) live near transit and where you work, shop play, (6) Get the mix of uses right, (7)
<br />Get the retail right, (8) Get the parking right.
<br />Moved: 1.3. Starting Point, Existing Conditions Summai expanded this section by discussion
<br />from the appendix. Added photos illustrating existing conditions and opportunities.
<br />Revisions /Action Item Districts
<br />Chance: Regional Center area, Focusing on the bus transit center amenity in the area.
<br />Need: form a better connection from the Regional Center to the Pond District, a hidden amenity.
<br />Merged: The TOD Urban neighborhood, the TOD river neighborhood, and the TOD station into one district
<br />TOD Neighborhood.
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