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2021-05-10 Finance and Governance Minutes
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Council Committees
Finance and Governance (2021-Present)
Finance and Governance Minutes (2021-Present)
2021-05-10 Finance and Governance Minutes
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5/21/2021 9:48:36 AM
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Finance and Governance 2021-Present
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2021-05-10 Finance and Governance Audio
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f' <br />CD <br />Councit Financei Governance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 10, 2021- 520 p.m. - Electronic Meeting due to COVID-19 Emergency <br />CouncilmembersPresent.• Kathy Hougardy, Acting Chair; Cynthia Delostrinos Johnson, Kate <br />Kruller <br />Staff Present: Rachel Bianchi, Vicky Carlsen, Tony Cullerton, Laurel Humphrey, <br />Tracy Gallaway <br />Acting Chair Hougardy called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />I. BUSINESS AGENDA <br />A. Disposition of former Fire Station 52 Site <br />Committee members and staff discussed options for the disposition of the former Fire Station <br />52 site, including retaining the existing building, selling or leasing to a nonprofit or community <br />group, selling to a private entity, or demolishing the building to use the property for a park. <br />Staff committed to providing the City Council with a summary and status of the old Allentown <br />fire station. <br />Items Requiring Follow-up <br />• Provide demolition cost estimate. <br />• Plan outreach to the neighborhood to determine preference. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Forward to Committee of the Whole with preliminary recommendation to either retain the <br />building for city/community use or demolish it for park use. <br />B. Marijuana Tax Revenue <br />Committee members and staff discussed revenue potential and considerations if zoning were <br />changed to allow marijuana retailers in more areas of the city. <br />Items Requiring Follow-up <br />• Provide updated information on public safety impacts from retail locations in <br />neighboring jurisdictions. <br />• Provide additional detail on licensing process, including application selection, waiting <br />list, and how long licenses can be active, particularly when no business has been opened. <br />• Provide information on how manyjobs marijuana retailers can bring to a community. <br />• Provide information on the buffer applicability if a business were sited at 311 Tukwila <br />Parkway and the Tukwila Urban Center - Regional Center zone allowed marijuana retail. <br />• Provide map of marijuana related businesses in cities adjacent to Tukwila. <br />• Add to memo information on process should the Council choose to update zoning for <br />marijuana businesses. <br />
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