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Councilmembers Present: Zak Idan, Chair; Kathy Hougardy, Cynthia Delostrinos Johnson <br />StoffPresent: Tony Cullerton, Brandon Miles, Derek Speck, Vicky Carlsen, Laurel <br />Humphrey <br />Chair Idan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />I. BUSINESS AGENDA <br />A. Early Learning Facilities Impact Fee Waivers <br />Staff is seeking Committee direction on implementation of Substitute House Bill 1331 which <br />provides impact fee relief options for Early Learning Facilities. <br />Item(s) for follow-up: <br />• Provide context around project affordability at 80% waiver. <br />• Provide information on other cities' impact fees for Early Learning Facilities. <br />• Draft ordinance reflecting both 80% and 100% waiver options for full Council discussion. <br />• Consider use of ARPA funds to make up the difference. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Forward draft legislation with options to July 26, 2021 Committee of the Whole. <br />B. Councilmember Onboarding <br />Committee members and staff discussed materials and process for onboarding new <br />Councilmembers. Additional suggestions included providing updates on the Equity Policy <br />Implementation Committee, more information about regional associations from those <br />Councilmembers involved, and standardizing the information shared by Department <br />Directors. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Discussion only. <br />C. 2021 Committee Work Plan <br />Committee members and staff discussed the status of work plan items for the year. Chair Idan <br />noted the importance of reflecting all the work done in committee. <br />Committee Recommendation. <br />Discussion only. <br />