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Planning 2013-03-28 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review - 4501 South 134th Place
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Planning 2013-03-28 Minutes - Board of Architectural Review - 4501 South 134th Place
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BAR Hearing Minutes <br />March28, 2013 <br />Commissioner Mann stated that she had visited the site and talked to the neighbors Minnie Dhaliwal asked <br />Commissioner Mann to disclose any ex -parte communications and asked the applicant if he objected to <br />Commissioner Mann hearing the matter. Applicant stated he had no objections. <br />Commissioners asked staff and the applicant some clarifying questions. <br />Commission Mann asked if a new fence along Macadam Road will be installed; expressed concerns with the <br />outdoor storage and screening from the adjacent residential properties; inquired about the height of the <br />parking lot lights; asked if the landscaping along the access road met code requirements; and expressed <br />concerns with the noise generated by the refrigerated trucks in the area. <br />Commissioner Alford expressed concerns with the proposed parking lot trees that are columnar and <br />therefore do not provide much shade. <br />Commissioner Maestas asked about the Type 2 stream; if any grading activities are planned that would <br />disturb the contaminated soil; if the stream buffer was designed to mitigate surface toxins from reaching the <br />stream; any offsite impacts from the proposed lights; and if there were any plans to remove the existing trees. <br />Commissioner Strander stated that the original application was for a two story building and the modification <br />approved in 2008 added a third story, but the current application is only for a two story building; inquired if <br />the planting of the stream buffer was complete; and how the existing trees will be protected during <br />construction. <br />Bob Fadden, the applicant addressed the questions. He stated that due to topography difference of 33 feet <br />from the site to the residential area up above there will be a 10 foot high retaining wall that should help screen <br />outdoor storage. He said the owner will not have a problem with planting some evergreens to provide <br />additional screening if that is desired. The Department of Ecology has issued a No Further Action Order for <br />the soil contamination issues. He stated that the enhanced stream buffer helps shade the stream and it would <br />not have been possible if the stream was left in its current state. In 2008 the owner had planned to build a pent <br />house on the third story, but the current proposal does not include one. There is an underground storm water <br />storage system already in place and includes 8 foot deep settling pond with a filter. The materials stored <br />outside will be placed on crushed rock surface and there will be cameras to prevent theft. Regarding the <br />requirement for larger canopy trees he stated that staff has a good handle on the issue, although he would not <br />desire any storm water issues due to a lot of fallen leaves. He also said that the project would comply with <br />lighting standards. <br />There was no public testimony. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The BAR deliberated and decided to take a vote on the specific motions addressing each of the additional <br />conditions being considered. The three additional conditions being considered were: screening from residential <br />properties; parking lot trees; and off site glare from the parking lot lights. <br />Motion #1: Commissioner Strander made a motion to add a condition to plant five evergreen trees along <br />Macadam Road to provide better screening for the residential homes, provided there is no objection from the <br />property owners. Commissioner Maestas seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />Motion #2: Commissioner Alford made a motion to add a condition to replace the columnar trees in the <br />parking lot with trees that have a larger canopy, in order to provide more shade, and the landscaping plan to <br />be reviewed by staff as part of the building permit review process. Commissioner Mann seconded the motion. <br />All were in favor <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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