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c. The site plan shall use landscaping and building shapes to form an aesthetically <br />pleasing and pedestrian scale streetscape. This shall include, but not be limited to <br />facilitating pedestrian travel along the street, using architecture and landscaping to <br />provide a desirable transition from streetscape to the building, and providing an <br />integrated linkage from pedestrian and vehicular facilities to building entries. <br />The main building fronts Andover Park East, but there is a double loaded aisle of parking <br />between the building and the sidewalk. There is an opportunity to design the parking lot as <br />a forecourt or a plaza to complement adjacent activities and improve visual character in <br />relationship with Andover Park East. This could be accomplished by detailing the parking <br />surface with a different material than asphalt and enhancing the landscaping. <br />Page 7 of 19 <br />Some examples of <br />parking lots which are <br />designed as forecourt <br />/plaza but still can <br />accommodate parking. <br />11 <br />