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12 <br />A fifteen foot sidewalk with street trees, benches and pedestrian lights is proposed along <br />the street. Some of the details related to the frontage such as light fixtures and benches <br />have not been provided at this time. Also, curb transition details for driveway entrances <br />were not provided. Pedestrian safety and convenience is better served when the sidewalk <br />stays at a consistent grade. The curb cut for the driveway should match the height of the <br />sidewalk to ensure that the sidewalk stays at a consistent grade for pedestrians. <br />Additionally the details of the transition between the new proposed wide sidewalk fronting <br />the subject site and existing narrow sidewalks to the north and the south along the adjacent <br />properties should be designed to assure safe access /transition/ maneuver for a person in a <br />wheelchair. <br />do <br />Example of a driveway where the sidewalk stays at a consistent grade. <br />d. Pedestrian and vehicular entries shall provide a high quality visual focus using <br />building siting, shapes, and landscaping. Such a feature establishes a physical <br />transition between the project and public areas, and establishes the initial sense of <br />high quality development. <br />A porte - cochere feature is designed to highlight the hotel entrance, establish a relationship <br />of the building to the street and provide a covered entrance for hotel guests. Designing the <br />parking lot as a forecourt /plaza would help establish a physical transition between the <br />project and public areas and establish the initial sense of high quality development. <br />e. Vehicular circulation design shall minimize driveway intersections with the street. <br />There are two access driveways proposed along Andover Park East. <br />Site perimeter design (i.e. landscaping, structures, and horizontal width) shall be <br />coordinated with site development to ensure a harmonious transition between <br />adjacent projects. <br />A long row of parking spaces is proposed along both the north and the south property lines. <br />Site perimeter design would greatly benefit from preserving the existing trees that would <br />help soften the hardscape. The site layout accommodates a future north -south street <br />connection along the west (back) side of the subject property. This future street would <br />break up the big block, which lies between Baker Blvd on the north, Strander Blvd on the <br />south, Andover Park East on the east and Andover Park West on the west. <br />Page 8 of 19 <br />