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d. The overall color scheme shall work to reduce building prominence and shall blend in <br />with the natural environment. <br />e. <br />16 <br />Exterior building materials include metal panels, glass, brick and concrete. Wood grained <br />metal panels are used at the entries and at the top of the building. Brick is used on the <br />podium and is reflective of Westfield Southcenter Mall and provides a pedestrian scale at <br />the base of the building. The two metal panels "Sandstone" and "Surrey Beige" do not <br />display sufficient differentiation and could appear as the same color from a distance. See <br />photo of material board below. <br />Metal soffit <br />Copper Accent Color <br />Surrey Beige meta <br />Blue Gray Glass <br />S ndstone metal <br />Nymo <br />Ail z <br />C OW /441,6,01 <br />'144,;$M fel <br />a1101 Vi" e on, <br />% ,; <br />Applicant has added a darker brown color on the west side of the hotel wing (see west <br />elevation) to add differentiation between the apartment tower and the hotel tower. <br />However due to the L -shape of the building and no differentiation in the skyline of the two <br />wings, color differentiation needs to be supplemented with another element such as variety <br />in window sizes and patterns, modulation or articulation similar to the front of the building <br />to help reduce the building prominence and add visual interest. <br />Monotony of design in single or multiple building projects shall be avoided. <br />Variety of detail, form, and siting shall be used to provide visual interest. Otherwise <br />monotonous flat walls and uniform vertical planes of individual buildings shall be <br />broken up with building modulation, stairs, decks, railings, and focal entries. <br />Multiple building developments shall use siting and additional architectural variety <br />to avoid inappropriate repetition of building designs and appearance to surrounding <br />properties. <br />Page 12 of 19 <br />