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Planning 2014-05-22 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2014-05-22 Planning Commission / Board of Architectural Review - Washington Place
Planning 2014-05-22 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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5/16/2014 10:56:37 AM
Creation date
5/16/2014 10:28:15 AM
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The design elements including material/color variations, modulation and articulation along <br />the east facade help create an interesting well balanced facade. However the back side of <br />the building appears to be monotonous. There is an opportunity to add interest by <br />differentiating the hotel wing from the apartment wing by varying the window sizes and /or <br />adding modulation and articulation similar to the east elevation. <br />The window details have not been provided at this time. There is an opportunity to <br />introduce depth and shadow on the upper level facades rather than have windows flush <br />with the opaque walls. <br />3. LANDSCAPE AND SITE TREATMENT. <br />a. Existing natural topographic patterns and significant vegetation shall be reflected <br />in project design when they contribute to the natural beauty of the area or are <br />important to defining neighborhood identity or a sense of place. <br />l0/ <br />1 ti» �- 1 11 <br />14) <br />0°,/o /'r <br />fr' sii /ui1 <br />f ii/ iiri��yioo /iiofi�� °rrflfrrrrr,JfJrfJff iii; <br />There are more than 40 existing trees along the north and south property line that are <br />considered significant under the city code. The applicant has revised the proposal to align <br />the proposed landscape islands with the existing trees and is able to save a total of nine <br />trees. There is an opportunity to save more trees at least along the south side if the parking <br />stalls are reconfigured as compact stalls and realigned to 60 degrees. <br />b. Landscape treatment shall enhance existing natural and architectural features, help <br />separate public from private spaces, strengthen vistas and important views, provide <br />shade to moderate the affects of large paved areas, and break up visual mass. <br />Street improvements along Andover Park East include a sidewalk and street trees. Also, a <br />larger landscape area is proposed along the west edge of the property, which helps screen <br />and soften the garage building from the adjacent properties. If additional trees could be <br />preserved along the north and south property line it would help moderate the effects of <br />paved parking area. <br />Page 13 of 19 <br />17 <br />
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