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Planning 2014-05-22 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2014-05-22 Planning Commission / Board of Architectural Review - Washington Place
Planning 2014-05-22 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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5/16/2014 10:56:37 AM
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5/16/2014 10:28:15 AM
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18 <br />c. Walkways, parking spaces, terraces, and other paved areas shall promote safety and <br />provide an inviting and stable appearance. Direct pedestrian linkages to the public <br />street, to on -site recreation areas, and to adjacent public recreation areas shall be <br />provided. <br />East -west pedestrian paths have been added to the site plan to link the parking areas with <br />the building entrances. Pedestrian link from the sidewalk along Andover Park East to the <br />building entrance has also been provided. There is an opportunity to design the parking lot <br />in front of the hotel as a forecourt with additional landscaping which could provide buffer <br />to the outdoor eating area. <br />d. Appropriate landscape transition to adjoining properties shall be provided. <br />There is an opportunity to use some of the existing perimeter landscaping to provide a <br />better transition with the adjoining properties. Landscaping along the west side of the <br />garage helps provide transition to the properties to the west. <br />4. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES. <br />a. Miscellaneous structures shall be designed as an integral part of the architectural <br />concept and landscape. Materials shall be compatible with buildings, scale shall be <br />appropriate, colors shall be in harmony with buildings and surroundings, and structure <br />proportions shall be to scale. <br />Detailed specifications of the site furnishings such as benches and planters have not been <br />provided at this time. Light fixture details have been provided and are included as Attachment <br />C. Two wall signs are proposed, one each on the north and the west elevation. No freestanding <br />sign is proposed at this time. Detailed dimensions of the signs shall be reviewed as part of the <br />Sign Permit. The location, design and materials of the signs are reviewed as part of the design <br />review application. The wall signs are proposed as individual channel letters rather than one <br />large box. This helps add interest to the facade and also helps tie the signs to the building with <br />the background colors and materials being visible around the individual letters. <br />b. The use of walls, fencing, planting, berms, or combinations of these shall accomplish <br />screening of service yards, and other places that tend to be unsightly. Screening shall be <br />effective in winter and summer. <br />The trash and recycling area is proposed to be screened on the sides and from above, but no <br />details of the screening materials are provided at this time. The material for the screening <br />should be compatible with the building. The trash chutes are provided within the building. <br />c. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on roof, ground or buildings shall be <br />screened from view. Screening shall be designed as an integral part of the architecture <br />(i.e., raised parapets and fully enclosed under roof) and landscaping. <br />Roof top mechanical equipment is proposed to be screened by a metal screen panel that <br />matches the materials of the proposed building. Details related to utility meters, conduits and <br />Page 14 of 19 <br />
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