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Planning 2014-12-11 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2014-12-11 Planning Commission - 51st Avenue South Townhomes Public Hearing / Comprehensive Plan Introduction and Vision Work Session
Planning 2014-12-11 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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12/4/2014 2:58:11 PM
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12/4/2014 2:56:31 PM
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Outdoor Space Design <br />Private outdoor space for each unit is located within the backyard area. Common outdoor space <br />area is located to the west of unit 6 and in the northwest corner of the site, to the west of unit 6. <br />The recreation space in the northwest corner of the property is 1,200 square feet, meeting the <br />minimum requirements as outlined in the Tukwila Municipal Code. The space is accessible via an <br />8 foot pervious vehicle access drive and a 5 foot pedestrian path, and includes seating, signage, <br />and numerous planting including groundcover, shrubs, and deciduous and evergreen trees, see <br />Attachment B: Notes and Details. The rear yard areas range in size from 269 to 284 square feet <br />and are large enough to allow gardening activities or small play equipment. <br />IV. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES /STREET FURNITURE <br />Lighting <br />Lighting proposed for the 51 st Avenue S Townhomes consists of solar <br />powered LED bollards along the vehicle access path to the recreation area, <br />LED bollards at the entrance to each unit, recessed LED bollards in the front <br />and back porch areas and garage of each unit, and one new lot light on a 14 <br />foot pole at the entrance to the development, see Attachment B: Light Plan <br />and Lighting Proposal. A sample of the bollards proposed in front of each <br />unit is pictured at the right. <br />Fencing, Walls, and Screening <br />Six foot wood fences will be used to separate the individual backyards. 30 inch cedar split rail <br />fencing is proposed for the recreation area. One -4.5 inch retaining wall will be built just west of <br />the townhomes and will be screened with a variety of shrubs, see Attachment B:Notes and Details. <br />Service Areas <br />Waste Management was consulted during review of this project to determine the type of trash and <br />recycling containers that will be used for the 51 st Avenue S Townhomes. Each unit will have <br />individual containers for trash and recycling. Staff recommends that the codes, covenants, and <br />restrictions (CCR's) for the townhomes include language to require that trash and recycling <br />containers for each unit must be stored in each unit's garage and brought to the street for pick up <br />on trash day. <br />Mailboxes will be combined in a cluster and located near the entry of the development. Tukwila <br />Police staff provided assistance regarding tamper proof mailboxes. <br />Street Furniture <br />There is no street furniture proposed as part of this project. <br />Conclusions - Design Review <br />1. Site Planning <br />The site design uses landscaping, fences, and patterned pavement to transition from the public <br />streetscape of 51 st Avenue S to the private residences. The end units of the townhomes facing 51 st <br />LB Page 10 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />12 <br />
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