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Planning 2014-12-11 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2014-12-11 Planning Commission - 51st Avenue South Townhomes Public Hearing / Comprehensive Plan Introduction and Vision Work Session
Planning 2014-12-11 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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12/4/2014 2:58:11 PM
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12/4/2014 2:56:31 PM
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Materials and Colors <br />Proposed materials include a variety of panel siding patterns, including horizontal siding, <br />horizontal bevel siding, and batten board siding, shake siding and stone veneer. The units follow a <br />consistent pattern of stone veneer wrapped around the base of the first story, horizontal siding with <br />a 6 inch bevel and 10 inch horizontal bands with 2 inch trim on the second story, and shake siding <br />on the third story. Given the vertical and horizontal modulation, this pattern does not result in <br />uniform facades. <br />For all units, the color palette is proposed to be the same. The color palette is intended to be a mix <br />of gray -brown and forest green hues, with red accents and cream trim. "Wildwood" and "Deep <br />Marsh ", gray -brown colors and "Serpentine" a forest green color will be used as base colors and <br />applied primarily to larger facades. The red "Valentino" is used on modulated areas to highlight <br />the modulation. Darker colors are used in recessed areas. Trim around the windows, doors, and the <br />belly band, eaves, and brackets will be painted the cream "Hidden Cove" color. See Attachment C: <br />Color Elevations. The original proposal included a less varied color palette. Staff worked with the <br />applicant to use a more varied color palette and to use accent colors to highlight modulation. <br />Garage Design <br />Garages are proposed to be metal, as shown in the Colored Elevations (Attachment C). The garage <br />doors are proposed to be painted with the gray and brown base hues of the project's color palette. <br />The garage door will be painted the same color as the first story base color, helping to make the <br />garage less conspicuous, and focusing attention on the building entrances. <br />III. LANDSCAPE /SITE TREATMENT <br />Landscape Design and Design for Screening and Separation <br />In the landscape design for the 51 st Avenue S Townhomes, the plantings are arranged to focus <br />attention to entrances to the project site and to the individual units, to soften the built environment, <br />to reduce the appearance of paved area by adding greenery, and to provide for screening and <br />separation. <br />Two deciduous trees are proposed on either side of the access drive to act as a gateway feature at <br />the project site entry. A 20 foot wide landscaped area is proposed on either side of the access <br />drive, one in front of each structure. These areas will include deciduous and evergreen trees, <br />shrubs, and groundcover and wrap around the side of the end units. The landscaped areas help to <br />focus design attention to the face of the project and help to soften the character of the built <br />environment and provide a screening function. <br />A deciduous tree is located in the backyard of each unit, along with groundcover and several <br />shrubs along the back fences, helping to distinguish the perimeter of each unit. Numerous shrubs <br />are planted adjacent to the 4.5 foot retaining wall, screening the wall and helping to distinguish the <br />development from the undeveloped portion of the site. See Attachment B: Landscape Planting <br />Plan. <br />LB Page 9 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />11 <br />
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