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multifamily structures are between two and four - stories. The proposed townhomes are three <br />stories and below the allowable maximum height of 45 feet at their highest building elevation. The <br />one -story single family homes to the east of 51st Avenue S are under the jurisdiction of the City of <br />Seattle zoning regulations. <br />The five -unit and three -unit structures have been designed with horizontal and vertical <br />modulation, helping to break up the mass of both of the buildings. <br />The architectural style of the new townhomes is consistent with that typical of Craftsman style <br />residential development in Tukwila and the Pacific NW more broadly. Facade materials including <br />wood siding and stone veneer are similar to that used at other residential development within the <br />Ryan Hill neighborhood. <br />Many of the surrounding properties include large landscaped areas and mature multi -stem trees. <br />The proposed landscape areas at the entrance to the development, the landscaping in the units' <br />backyards, and the landscaped recreation area are all consistent with the existing landscaping. <br />Building Entrances <br />The main entrance to the units facing 51 st Avenue S (units 1 and 8) and those facing the access <br />drive (units 2 -7) have been designed with a modulated entry feature that includes a front door <br />recessed from the building face, and a front porch structure combined with stone veneer on either <br />side of the door to frame the front door entry. Small, pitched porch roofs are located over the front <br />entries to provide architectural detailing that signals the main entryways to units. Lighting, <br />signage, and patterned pavement pathways also help to distinguish the entrances. <br />Building Elevations <br />The architectural style of the five -unit and three -unit buildings is the same, incorporating pitched <br />roof forms, horizontal and vertical modulation, and the same colors and materials. Each structure <br />will read as a unified building mass. The arrangement of windows, horizontal modulation at the <br />upper stories, location of balconies, and the arrangement of different siding patterns and colors are <br />used in the design to express the individuality of each unit. The end units facing 51 st Avenue S <br />include a modulated area that comes out from the main portion of the building to make a front <br />entry that is well articulated and adds architectural interest to the streetscape. <br />Windows <br />Windows on all facades will have multiple -pane windows. Facades facing the access drive have <br />larger windows to focus the attention to the shared space and with privacy in mind to prevent <br />residents from being able to look into the other units in the development. Trim will be added <br />around all windows on both buildings. <br />Building Massing <br />The building modulation proposed is different for each townhome unit. This helps to create visual <br />interest on the building exterior and to reduce the mass of the two structures. <br />LB Page 8 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />10 <br />