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Solar Orientation <br />Units 1 -5 have south facing front entrances, and units 6 -8 have south facing backyards. <br />Landscaped areas in front and back of each unit will provide flexibility for residents to use the <br />space to take advantage of the area's solar orientation. The trees proposed at the entry to 51st <br />Avenue S, and in the backyard of each unit are deciduous, and at maturity can be expected to <br />provide shade in the summer months and allow sunshine in the winter months. Douglas Firs <br />proposed in the recreation area will provide green color to the site during the winter months. <br />Roof eaves are used on all sides of the townhome structures, and these overhangs will work both <br />to shield the structures from the high summer sun and expose them to the lower winter sun. <br />Crime Prevention <br />Several design features of the 51 st Avenue S Townhomes support the concept of Defensible Space <br />to reduce opportunities for crime. The two -20 foot landscaped areas in front of units 1 and 8 <br />provides a physical barrier between the public sidewalk and the private development and helps to <br />reinforce the transition from the public realm to the private development. The patterned pavement <br />on the sidewalks adjacent to the access drive and the patterned pavement used on the walkways <br />adjacent to each unit's concrete driveway provide a visual separation between pedestrian and <br />vehicular usage. Fencing proposed along the north and south sides of the property will separate the <br />private recreation space for each unit. Unit entrances include signage and lighted bollards to <br />highlight entry. Landscaping adjacent to front entrances will grow no taller than three feet. <br />Windows are located on all building elevations. Balconies at the second story of units look to the <br />west edge of the property that is undeveloped, to the south on S 111th Street, and to the east on 51st <br />Avenue S. Windows allow for surveillance of the access drive, landscaped areas adjacent to 51st <br />Avenue S, and to the private recreation area in the northwest portion of the property, and with <br />privacy in mind to prevent residents from being able to look into the other units in the <br />development. <br />Tukwila Police staff suggest the lighted bollards along the pedestrian path and shared recreation <br />area have motion sensors to alert nearby units of any activity in that space. Staff also suggests <br />groundcovers be planted on the east side of the recreation area as to allow for a clear line of sight <br />from the west facing units to the recreation area. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that <br />lighted bollards in the recreation area work on a motion sensor set high enough that they will not <br />be triggered by small animals, and landscape plantings on the east side of the 1,200 square foot <br />recreation area grow no taller than four feet. A lot light on a 14 foot pole will be installed adjacent <br />to the entrance on 51st Avenue S. <br />IL BUILDING DESIGN <br />Neighborhood Compatibility <br />The area in which the project is located was part of the Fire District 1 annexation which occurred <br />in 1989. Surrounding developments were constructed prior to annexation under King County <br />development regulations. <br />The single family developments to the north are much lower density than what is allowable in the <br />HDR zone, and can be expected to be redeveloped in the future. The 4 -plex development to the <br />north of the project site is consistent with the allowable density in the HDR zone. Surrounding <br />LB Page 7 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />9 <br />