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units also includes lighting, signage and architectural elements including a front porch structure, to <br />make the front entries distinctive. <br />The project proposes to use patterned pavement as a way to indicate a transition from the sidewalk <br />to the private townhome development, as well as to indicate the location of the front entries of <br />units that do not face 51st Avenue S. The front doors to these units (units 2 -7) face the access <br />drive, and have also been designed with stone veneer, lighting, signage, and architectural porch <br />elements to indicate front entry areas. <br />Natural Environment <br />Existing vegetation on the site consists of grasses, shrubs, and 17 mature, multi -stem trees located <br />throughout the project site. The general topography of the site will remain the same, with the <br />steepest slope located at the undeveloped western portion of the site. Development of the <br />townhomes will require removal of some of the existing vegetation, including 15 trees. Per <br />Tukwila Municipal Code 18.54, 29 replacement trees will be planted in addition to the other <br />landscaping, see Attachment B: Landscaping Planting Plans. <br />Wood fences will separate the project site from properties to the north and south, and will be used <br />to separate the backyards of the individual units from one another, as well as to separate the front <br />landscape areas from the backyards of units 1 and 8. 30 inch cedar split rail fencing will be <br />installed around the recreation area. One- 4.5 foot concrete retaining wall will be constructed <br />between the developed and undeveloped portions of the property. See Attachment B: Notes and <br />Details. A 104 foot bioswale is proposed between the 8 foot vehicular access road and the 4.5 foot <br />retaining wall to help with drainage of the site. <br />Circulation (Pedestrian and Vehicular) <br />The site design does not connect the front entries of units 1 and 8 facing 51 st Avenue S with the <br />public sidewalk. The west section of 51 st Avenue S is under the jurisdiction of King County. The <br />applicant will contact King County for street frontage and permit requirements. There is one <br />pathway on the side of each unit's concrete driveway that leads to the front entrance. The <br />pathways will be made with 12 inch square pattern stamped concrete. Patterned pavement helps to <br />distinguish the driveway from the pathway and helps to distinguish each unit entrance. The <br />proposed access drive is 20 feet, with 5 foot sidewalks on either side. The sidewalk will be made <br />of 24 inch square patterned stamped concrete to help distinguish between pedestrian and vehicular <br />use of the access drive. <br />Parking <br />Tukwila parking regulations contained in TMC 18.56.065 require two off - street parking spaces for <br />each dwelling unit which contains up to three bedrooms. Parking for residents of the 51 st Avenue <br />S Townhomes project will be within the attached two -car garage for each unit. The original <br />proposal included guest parking adjacent to the project entry off 51 st Avenue S. This placement <br />was not consistent with design criteria, and subsequently has been removed. There is no guest <br />parking provided. Street parking for guests is available on 51 st Avenue S. <br />LB Page 6 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />8 <br />