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The properties located to the north of the development <br />include one -story single family homes and one 4 -plex <br />building with resident parking in front of the structure. <br />Topography <br />There is a decrease in elevation from a grade of <br />approximately 322 to 316 as you move west from 51 st <br />Avenue S towards the townhomes. There is a decrease <br />in elevation from 316 to 284 as you move west from the <br />townhomes to the undeveloped area. A proposed 4.5 <br />foot retaining wall will be constructed between the <br />developed area and undeveloped areas. <br />frit <br />e!r <br />1,m01111 lihimMohlonh <br />II '11)1111!Mmoil M11111111110111111111 <br />111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 <br />Vegetation <br />Vegetation on the site currently consists of grasses, shrubs, and 17 mature, multi -stem trees located <br />throughout the project site, as shown in the photo above. Fifteen of the existing trees will be removed to <br />allow for the proposed development. Per Tukwila Municipal Code 18.54, 29 replacement trees will be <br />planted in addition the other landscaping, see Attachment B: Landscaping Planting Plan. <br />Access <br />As the site is undeveloped, there are no existing driveways or access drives. A new 20 foot access drive <br />with 5 foot pedestrian sidewalks on each side will be constructed to provide combined vehicular and <br />pedestrian access from 51st Avenue S. Each townhome will have a paved entry connecting the unit <br />entrance to the sidewalk. <br />Decision Criteria — Design review <br />Townhouse development in Tukwila is restricted to the Medium Density Residential (MDR) and High <br />Density Residential (HDR) zoning districts. According to 18.14.060, design review by the Board of <br />Architectural Review is required for all multi - family structures over 1,500 square feet in size. Per TMC <br />18.60.050 (C), townhouse development is subject to the design criteria contained in the Townhouse <br />Design Manual, which is available online at http:// www. /dcd /dcdplan.html. The following <br />is a discussion of project consistency with the applicable design review criteria. <br />I. SITE PLANNING <br />Streetscape — the transition from public to private spaces <br />The transition from the streetscape of 51st Avenue S to the private townhomes proposed in this <br />project is achieved through landscaping and pavement. A tree is proposed on each side of the entry <br />to the access drive, which helps create a gateway to the site. From the street front of 51 st Avenue <br />S, two -20 foot landscaped areas transition from native groundcovers and shrubs extending up to <br />the front of the buildings. <br />The two units facing 51 st Avenue S (units 1 and 8) have their front doors facing the street. The <br />building elevations perpendicular to 51st Avenue S have been designed to include horizontal and <br />vertical modulation. This vertical and horizontal modulation is illustrated in Attachment C: <br />Colored elevation sheets to A2.4c. Stone veneer is proposed on the facade, in the area to the <br />left and right of the front door of both of the end units (units 1 and 8). The front entry on these <br />LB Page 5 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />7 <br />