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to reduce the appearance of paved area by adding greenery, and to provide for screening and <br />separation. The two -20 foot landscaped areas at the entrance to the development include deciduous <br />and evergreen trees, shrubs, and groundcover helps to screen the development from the street and <br />helps to frame the entrance. <br />The backyard of each unit is proposed to have a tree, shrubs, and groundcover and is large enough <br />for home gardening or a small play structure. <br />Private outdoor space for each unit is located within the backyard area. Common outdoor space <br />area is located in the 1,200 square foot recreation area in the northwest corner of the property, to <br />the west of unit 5. The recreation area is accessible via an 8 foot pervious vehicle access drive and <br />a 5 foot pedestrian path, and includes seating and signage. The proposed landscaping plan for the <br />recreation area includes a variety of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. <br />Tukwila Police staff recommend the applicant select shorter plantings for the east edge of the <br />recreation area. The proposed plantings can grow up to 8 feet tall and may block surveillance of <br />the recreation area from the units. Shorter plantings will allow for more eyes on the site. <br />Numerous shrubs are planted along the contact line, helping to distinguish the development from <br />the undeveloped portion of the site, and to screen the 4.5 foot retaining wall. <br />4. Miscellaneous Structures and Street Furniture <br />Each unit will have individual containers for trash and recycling. Staff recommends that the CCRs <br />for the townhomes include language to require that trash and recycling containers for each unit <br />must be stored in each unit's garage and brought to the street for pick up on trash day. <br />Recommendations <br />Staff recommends approval of the design review application for the 51 st Avenue S Townhomes, subject to <br />the following conditions: <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />1. Solar powered LED bollards along the vehicular access road be set on a motion sensor to alert <br />residents of activity in the recreation area. <br />2. Select shorter plantings for the east edge of the 1,200 square foot recreation area to allow for <br />surveillance of the area from the units. <br />3. Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCR's) for the townhomes shall include language to <br />require trash and recycling containers for each unit tot be stored in each unit's garage. <br />Information Items <br />1. Contact the Tukwila Fire Department for addressing. <br />2. Prior to issuance of the building permits for the new townhomes the property owner shall sign <br />with notary, a Sensitive Areas Ordinance Hold Harmless Agreement. The agreement will be <br />recorded at King County, after city's approval signatures. (Submit signed agreement at least ten <br />(10) days prior to issuance of the building permit, as City must have time to process this <br />document). <br />LB Page 12 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />14 <br />