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3. A Hold Harmless Agreement for work inside the City Right of Way shall be executed prior to any <br />work inside the City Right of Way. <br />4. Half - street improvements along the West side of 51st Avenue S may be required by King County; <br />including paving, street lighting, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway access, and storm drainage. <br />Applicant to contact King County for permit requirements. <br />5. A geotechnical report has been peer reviewed and the applicant has resubmitted a revised report <br />per the peer review comments. <br />6. SEPA Determination of Non - Significance (DNS) was issued by the City of Tukwila on November <br />13, 2014. <br />7. Transportation Impact Fee applies to the future Building Permit(s) in the amount of $1,013.88 per <br />dwelling. See Pavement Mitigation and Transportation Impact Fees Bulletin no. A3. <br />8. Pursuant to the Tukwila 'Underground Ordinance', all utilities shall be placed underground. <br />9. Provide approved plan sheet(s) from Tukwila Sewer Service. <br />10. Provide approved plan sheets(s) from Tukwila Water Service. <br />LB Page 13 of 13 12/01/2014 <br />15 <br />