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Roofline <br />We will vary the roofline along the building length to reflect individual units. This can be achieved using: <br />- separate roof forms <br />- a combination of roof types, such as shed, gabled and hipped roofs) <br />- gables and dormers <br />The Townhouses roof pitched and continuous sloping roof forms will be used. <br />Note: See Building Elevation Drawings provided separately <br />BUILDING MASSING <br />We will mass the building in only two buildings one on each side of the site. <br />We will use building and roof modulation and articulation to reduce the appearance of large building masses. <br />a. Modulate the building facade with features such as porches, balconies, building wall relief, <br />and bay windows. <br />b. Provide roof elements such as gables, eyebrow roof forms or dormers. <br />c. Incorporate prominent cornice, soffit, or fascia details that emphasize the top of the building. <br />d. Provide prominent roof overhangs. <br />Note: See site plan provided separately <br />MATERIAL AND COLORS <br />We will construct building exteriors of durable and maintainable materials that are attractive even when <br />viewed up close. We will use building materials that have texture, pattern, or lend them to a high quality of <br />detailing. We will use materials that meet the intent of horizontal lap siding, shingles, brick, stone, stucco, <br />ceramic or terra cotta tile. <br />We will use a variety of complementary colors on building exteriors. Reserve brightly saturated colors for <br />accent or trim features. <br />Note: See Color Board Provided Separately <br />LANDSCAPE /SITE TREATMENT LANDSCAPE DESIGN <br />We will provide plants that can be used to curtail erosion, to soften the built environment, define or emphasize <br />open space, give privacy, block wind and lessen the effects of solar radiation. <br />We will select and site landscape materials to produce a hardy and drought- resistant landscape area <br />consistent with project design. Selection should include consideration of soil type and depth, spacing, <br />exposure to sun and wind, slope and contours of the site, building walls and overhangs, and compatibility <br />of new plant material with existing vegetation to be preserved on the site. <br />We will install all plant materials to current nursery industry standards. Landscape plant material should <br />be properly guyed and staked to current industry standards. Planting of trees in compacted soils is <br />prohibited unless minimum 12 inch gravel drain sumps are installed under each tree to a minimum of 36 <br />inch depth, or the sub grade soil beyond the planting pit is rootled to a 9 inch depth to the drip line or edge <br />of planter, whichever is less. <br />20 <br />