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We will plant shrubs used to define spaces or separate environments as a staggered double row whenever <br />possible. This provides the significant depth especially necessary to separate environments such as parking <br />areas from grassed fields and building entries. <br />Limit shrub beds to a maximum of two feet wide per typical row of nursery stock plants, in order to minimize <br />barked area and maximize live ground cover. <br />Protection of Existing Trees <br />We will protect significant trees during construction with a chain -link fence or plastic vinyl construction <br />fence at the drip line. Install the protection fence prior to issuance of grading permit. Removal or destruction of <br />fencing should be cause for a Stop Work Order until reviewed by City staff. <br />Design for Screening and Separation <br />We will provide a privacy fence along side and rear yards if adjoining single family zoning. This should be 6 <br />feet high sight- obscuring wood (or equivalent) fence with exterior materials and colors consistent with <br />building architecture. <br />Note: See Landscape Plan and site plan provided separately <br />OUTDOOR SPACE DESIGN <br />We will provide outdoor space unusable for the adults and children of the town houses. <br />Note: See Landscape Plan and site plan provided separately <br />MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES /STREET FURNITURE LIGHTING <br />We will reflect project architectural design considerations in all exterior lighting (i.e., distribution, intensity, and <br />pattern). <br />We will insure that maximum parking area light standard height is 20 feet or the height of the building; whichever <br />is less. <br />We will provide walkway and grounds lighting is 15 feet. Light fixture height is limited to enhance a sense <br />of scale and enclosure for common areas at night. <br />We will provide all lighting standards with glare cut -off features to avoid off -site spill -over. <br />We will place fixtures so that light patterns overlap at a height of 7 feet which is sufficiently high to vertically <br />illuminate a person's body. <br />At hazardous locations, such as changes of grade, use lower level supplemental lighting or additional overhead <br />units. Where low -level lighting (below 5 feet) is used, fixtures should be placed in such a way that they do not <br />produce glare. Most eye levels occur between 3 feet 8 inches for wheelchair users and 6 feet for standing <br />adults. <br />Note: See site plan provided separately <br />FENCING, WALLS, AND SCREENING <br />We will provide all fencing that will reflect building architecture and be harmonious with adjacent project <br />designs. Design perimeter fencing to be attractive from both sides. <br />Note: See site plan provided separately <br />21 <br />