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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Transportation Corridors <br />- six -story heights south of South 154th Street; <br />- ten -story heights south of SR 518 (excluding the area <br />noted below) and on the west side of the corridor north of <br />S. 128th Street; and <br />- three stories north and south of S. 158th Street, as shown <br />in Figure 18. <br />8.2.15 Appropriately fence outside storage and sales areas with high - <br />Figure 18 quality materials; limit use, size, and location of metal security <br />Highway 99 and other fencing and require concealment with appropriate <br />Height Exception landscaping. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY <br />• Fencing standards <br />8.2.16 Allow a diversity of uses along the corridor, including <br />residential, retail, service, light manufacturing, office, and <br />recreational and community facilities. <br />8.2.17 Create a pedestrian- oriented Neighborhood Commercial Center <br />as a focal area along Tukwila International Boulevard; create a <br />Regional Commercial area south of the Neighborhood <br />Commercial Center and create opportunities for either <br />commercial or industrial uses at the north end of the corridor. <br />8.2.18 Encourage building design on the east side of Tukwila <br />International Boulevard between South 137th Street (if <br />extended) and South 144th Street to reflect the importance of <br />the area as a visual focal point for traffic through the corridor. <br />8.2.19 Where significant distant views occur along the corridor, <br />encourage development to recognize and incorporate these into <br />project design. Developments should minimize obstruction of <br />views from nearby projects through appropriate landscape <br />design, building design and site planning. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY <br />• Design guidelines that illustrate techniques <br />8.2.20 Provide flexibility in the application of design standards in <br />order to encourage pedestrian- oriented and pedestrian friendly <br />development and to allow creativity in the design process. <br />8.2.21 Allow commercial use of residentially zoned property where <br />such action expands small and /or irregularly shaped <br />10 December 2008 <br />