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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Transportation Corridors <br />commercial districts, encourages redevelopment of non- <br />conforming use sites; minimizes vehicular travel on adjacent <br />residential local access streets; front and orients any <br />commercial uses toward Tukwila International Boulevard; <br />creates a site, structures, landscaping and other features that are <br />compatible with adjacent residential district standards and <br />planned character. <br />Interurban Avenue South Corridor <br />Interurban Avenue South has been described as having two distinct <br />characters - -a middle and two ends. The two ends are similar because they <br />intersect with major freeways. The middle section is a mixed -use area and <br />the historic heart of old Tukwila. The middle section also tends to be <br />somewhat restricted because of the valley wall, the river, and Foster Golf <br />Course and Fort Dent Park. <br />The development pattern of Interurban Avenue was influenced heavily by <br />the railroad and industrial uses it served. Consequently, a broad mixture <br />of uses and building forms can be found. Small houses are set amidst <br />industrial activities. Narrow streets and short blocks are common. Parts <br />of Interurban are still in transition, and Interurban is primarily a corridor <br />for through traffic. <br />Goal 8.3 Interurban Corridor Goal <br />A high - amenity multi -modal transportation corridor with a varied Unix of <br />office, commercial, recreational, high - density residential and light <br />industrial uses. <br />Policies <br />8.3.1 Develop the north section as an area of regional commercial or <br />light industrial uses; the middle and south sections as a mix of <br />residential, commercial or, in some areas, light industrial uses. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY <br />• Zoning Code <br />8.3.2 Allow three story buildings within the middle section and <br />allow four story buildings within the Fostoria, Fort Dent, <br />Nielsen Farm, and freeway interchange areas, and allow six <br />stories within the Gateway Drive area and light industrial areas <br />south of I -5 (Figure 19) <br />December 2008 11 <br />