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Planning 2015-01-08 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2015-01-08 Planning Commission and City Council - 2015 Comprehensive Plan: Tukwila International Boulevard District Special Joint Work Session 1 (No Audio Recording)
Planning 2015-01-08 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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12/19/2014 3:22:16 PM
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12/18/2014 3:12:56 PM
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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Transportation Corridors <br />8.3.3 Allow residential uses as second -story Figure 19 <br />and above uses in all Regional Interurban Avenue <br />Commercial Mixed Use zoned areas. Corridor <br />8.3.4 Create a logical and harmonious division between commercial <br />or industrial uses and residential uses by using changes in <br />topography and through appropriate development standards, <br />including street design. <br />8.3.5 Improve public rights -of -way that connect Interurban Avenue <br />and the river with signage, street parking, paving, and other <br />elements that signify the riverfront. <br />8.3.6 Develop preferred station sites and rail alignment through the <br />Interurban corridor that maximize service and access to <br />regional services and minimize visual impacts along its entire <br />route. <br />8.3.7 Work with the transit agency to install transit shelters designed <br />to reflect the historic use of the corridor for public transit. <br />8.3.8 Provide prominent public art and interpretive markers at highly <br />visible locations, explaining the history of the Interurban <br />Trolley, the river, and other important aspects of the area. <br />8.3.9 Preserve or commemorate the structures remaining from the <br />turn of the century, in either their present or a nearby location, <br />as determined in a city -wide survey and designation process. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />• Investigate the possibility of preserving community club <br />building <br />• Historic recognition/preservation incentive program <br />8.3.10 Locate major gateway features at the north and south freeway <br />interchanges, incorporating such elements as landscaping, <br />lighting, signage, or artwork. <br />Southcenter Boulevard Corridor <br />Southcenter Boulevard effectively extends within the City of Tukwila <br />from the eastern boundary of the railroad tracks to the western boundary at <br />Tukwila International Boulevard. The street acts as a major east /west <br />corridor for the south King County area and is a frontage road and <br />alternative to I- 405/SR518. Office and multi - family buildings comprise <br />most of the developments along the east half of Southcenter Boulevard, <br />12 December 2008 <br />
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