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BAR Public Hearing Minutes <br />April 24, 2014 <br />• There needs to be coordination on the placement of the fence to accommodate future landscaping; <br />• There is no ground cover shown in the plan; <br />• One of the window patterns needs to be addressed. <br />Staff recommends approval of the project with seven conditions as listed in the staff report. Condition <br />number two regarding lighting on a common meter and timer was recommended by the Police <br />Department. <br />Omied Pazooki, for the applicant, gave some background on the project and said they think the project is <br />a good addition to the area. He also complimented staff on their work with the project. The applicant is <br />agreeable with most of the conditions but expressed concern with condition number two regarding the <br />auto -court lighting being on a separate meter. Mr. Pazooki suggested looking at this condition further to <br />see if there is a better option because he is worried about the cost. He said maybe a lighting sensor would <br />work. Staff suggested stating the goal that lighting is provided without being prescriptive and they work <br />with the applicant on solving the issue. <br />Mr. Pazooki addressed questions from the Commission on the following issues: <br />• Lighting; <br />• Unclear language regarding the pedestrian pathway; <br />• Offsite parking; <br />• The proposed sidewalk having pervious treatment, something more than gravel such as an organic <br />material; <br />• Fencing and landscaping; <br />• Diverse ground cover; <br />• Underground utilities; <br />• The type of planting at the front entrance; <br />• The front door color plan. <br />There were no public comments. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The BAR deliberated. <br />There was additional discussion regarding the sidewalk; condition number two pertaining to lighting; the <br />requirement for ground coverage and how it will be managed. <br />AMENDED CONDITIONS: <br />Condition Number 2: <br />Exterior lighting at front entries and within the courtyard area shall be designed <br />to provide uniform lighting levels within the common areas at night. (Shall be <br />approved administratively as part of the building permit) <br />Condition Number 7: A Diverse palette of ground cover shall be added to backyard areas of the units to <br />cover 90% of the landscape area within three years, <br />MOTIONS: <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />