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2016 Draft Landscaping Code <br />d. Structural soils shall be used to avoid the need for root barriers and to ensure the <br />success of the median plantings. <br />e. Any median tree that is removed must be replaced within the same median unless <br />spacing constraints exist. Replacement trees shall be of the same stature or greater <br />at maturity as the removed tree, consistent with other space iconsiderationsi. Commented [CL40]: Text of "consistent with other space <br />considerations" added by Advisory Committee. <br />18.52.040 Screening and Visibility <br />A. Screening <br />1. Screening of outdoor storage, mechanical equipment and garbage storage areas and <br />Commented [AC41]: Taken directly from current code, <br />fences: <br />l TMC 18.52.040 E. <br />a. Outdoor storage shall be screened from abutting public and private streets and from <br />adjacent properties. Such screens shall be a minimum of eight feet high and not less <br />than 60% of the height of the material stored. The screens shall be specified on the <br />plot plan and approved by the Community Development Director. In the MDR and <br />HDR zones, outdoor storage shall be fully screened from all public roadways and <br />adjacent parcels with a high obscuring structure equal in height to the stored objects <br />and with a solid screen of exterior landscaping. <br />b. Ground level mechanical equipment and garbage storage areas shall be screened <br />with evergreen plant materials and /or fences or masonry wallsl. <br />Commented [CL42]: 18.52.040 F. <br />c. Fences. All fences shall be placed on the interior side of any required perimeter <br />landscapingl. <br />Commented [CL43]: 18.52.040 G. <br />2. A mix of k bl <br />d t h b shall b d t <br />evergreen trees an evergreen shrubs sae used screen an alts. <br />g g h <br />'Commented [CL44]: 18.52.030 D.2. and 18.28.040 8.1.a. <br />3. Evergreen shrubs and evergreen trees shall be used for screening along rear property <br />lines, around solid waste /recycling areas, utility cabinets and mechanical equipment, and <br />to obscure grillwork and fencing associated with subsurface parking garages. Evergreen <br />shrubs and trees shall be pruned so that 18- inches visibility at the base is maintained <br />- <br />[Commented [CL45]: Last sentence is from Crime <br />Prevention Through Environmental Design guidance. <br />B. r isibi[ <br />1. Design of new landscaping and maintenance of existing landscaping shall consider <br />Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principals and visibility for <br />safety and views. Appropriate plant species shall be specified to avoid the need for <br />excessive maintenance pruning. <br />2. Landscaping shall not obstruct views from or into building windows, the driveway, <br />sidewalk or street. Landscape design shall allow for surveillance from streets and <br />buildings and avoid creating areas that might harbor criminal activity. <br />3. Landscaping at crosswalks and other locations where vehicles and pedestrians intersect <br />must not block pedestrians' and drivers' views. <br />Page 9 of 19 11/2/2016 6:15 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \2016 Landscaping Code Update \Draft TMC Chapter 18.52- Advisory Committee Revisions -2 <br />Commented [CL46]: Visibility subsection is from <br />18.28.240 B.2. The CPTED portion related to pruning of <br />plant material has been moved to its own subsection under <br />TMC 18.52.080 below. <br />17 <br />