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2016 Draft Landscaping Code <br />E. Private property owners shall collect and properly dispose of all landscaping debris. <br />Private property landscaping debris shall not be placed or blown into the public right of <br />way for City collection. Violations will be subject to code enforcement action per TMC <br />Chapter 8.45. <br />Trees along the street frontages, as they mature, shall be limbed up, using 1prope ISA <br />pruning techniques, to a minimum height of 8 -18 feet depending on location of tree (ow <br />sidewalk, adjacent to road etc.) to allow adequate visibility and clearance for vehicles. <br />Trees may be pruned to improve views of signage and entryways by using such <br />techniques as windowing, thinning, and limbing up; however, no more than 1/4 of the <br />canopy may be removed within any 2 -year period. All pruning shall be done in <br />accordance with ANSI Standard A -300 specifications, as it now reads and as hereafter <br />amended. <br />Commented [CL87]: New text to address problem of <br />private property owners blowing debris into City ROW for <br />City collection. <br />Commented [CL88]: F. and G. are from the CPTED <br />guidance in 18 28.240 B.2. <br />.............. ............. ............. .............. . ............................... <br />Commented [CL89] Revised from 18.28 240 B.2. based <br />on input from Public Works staff. <br />G. Trees may only be pruned to lower their height to prevent interference with an overhead <br />utility line with prior approval by the Director. The pruning must be carried out under the <br />direction of-by a certified arborist. The crown shall be maintained to at least 2/3 the Commented [AC90]: New language and stricken word at <br />height of the tree prior to pruning. Otherwise, trees shall not be topped. suggestion of PSE. <br />18.52.090 Landscape Plan Requirements <br />A. Landscape plan design shall take into consideration the mature size of proposed <br />landscape materials to minimize the future need for pruning (i.e. placement such that <br />mature trees and shrubs will not cause problems for foundations, obscure signage, grow <br />too close to overhead or underground utility lines, obstruct views of traffic, etc.). <br />B. A Washington State licensed landscape architect or other accredited landscape design <br />professional) shall prepare the landscape plans in accordance with the standards herein. <br />Detailed plans for landscaping and screening shall be submitted with plans for building <br />and site improvements. The plans shall, at a minimum, include the type, quantity, spacing <br />and location of plants and materials; typical planting details; soil amend ment/installation; <br />tree protection details as applicable; and the location of irrigation systems and significant <br />trees within 20 feet of the property line on adjacent properties. Underground and at- <br />ground utilities shall be shown on the plans so that planting conflicts are avoided. A <br />detailed list of items to be included on the landscape plan is available in the Landscape <br />Plan handout, available on -line or at the DCD offices. <br />C. Installation of the landscaping and screening shall be completed and a Landscaping <br />IDeclarationl submitted by the owner or owner's agent prior to issuance of the Certificate <br />of Occupancy. Any plant substitutions shall be noted on the Declaration. If necessary, <br />due to weather conditions or construction scheduling, the installation may be postponed <br />to the next planting season (October — April) if approved by the Director and stated on the <br />building permit. A performance assurance device equal to 150% of the cost of the labor <br />and materials must be provided to the City before the deferral is approved. <br />Page 15 of 19 11/2/2016 6:15 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \2016 Landscaping Code Update \Draft TMC Chapter 18.52- Advisory Committee Revisions -2 <br />Commented [AC91]: Added at the request of PSE <br />........ ......... ......... ......... ..................... ............................... <br />Commented [CL92]: New text to address frequent <br />reasons given for requests to remove mature landscaping <br />on a project site. <br />Commented [CL93]: All but last sentence in B. is from <br />18.52.050 A. New handout will be prepared with list of <br />items that must be included on landscape plan. <br />Commented [CL94]: Most of C. from 18.28.240 B.5. <br />Underlined text new to reflect current requirement when <br />Landscaping Affidavit is completed & provided to City. <br />23 <br />