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2016 Draft Landscaping Code <br />c. Proposed vegetation removal, replacement, and any mitigation measures <br />proposed are consistent with the purpose and intent given in this chapter; or <br />d. The granting of an exception or standard reduction will not be detrimental to the <br />public health, safety or welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity; and <br />In addition, if trees are removed due to conflicts with utilities, these trees shall be <br />replaced based on the tree replacement table found in TMC Chapter 18.52.I100� _ - commented [cL98]: PsE suggested language revised by <br />staff. <br />4. Clustering or perimeter averaging of landscaping may be considered if: <br />a. It does not diminish the quality of the site landscape as a whole; and <br />b. It does not create a nuisance to adjacent properties; and <br />c. If adjacent to residential development, the impacts from clustering must be minimized; <br />and <br />d. One or more of the following criteria must be met: <br />i. Clustering or perimeter averaging of plant material allows more effective use of the <br />industrial property; or <br />ii. Clustering or perimeter averaging of landscaping enables significant trees to be <br />retained; or <br />iii. Clustering or perimeter averaging is used to reduce the number of driveways and <br />curb cuts and allow joint use of parking facilities between neighboring businesses; <br />or <br />iv. Clustering or perimeter averaging avoids future conflicts with signage. <br />5. Landscaping in a bioretention facility, which includes trees, shrubs, and groundcovers as <br />identified on the City's approved Bioretention Vegetation list and as regulated in TMC <br />Chapter 14.30, may be counted up to 100% towards required Type I or Type II <br />landscaping. Bioretention facilities shall not be counted towards required Type III <br />landscaping. All of the following criteria must be met: <br />a. The bioretention facility has been designed by a professional trained or certified in <br />Low Impact Development techniques; and <br />b. The landscaping meets the screening requirements of the specified landscape type; <br />and <br />c. Public safety concerns have been addressed; and <br />d. The number of trees required by the landscape type are provided. <br />6. Credit for retained significant trees may be counted towards required landscaping if the <br />following criteria are met: <br />a. Assessment of trees by an ISA Certified Arborist as to tree health, value of the trees <br />and the likelihood of survivability during and after construction is provided; and <br />b. Retention of tree(s) supports the Tukwila Comprehensive Plan urban tree canopy <br />goals and policies; and <br />Page 17 of 19 11/2/2016 6:15 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \2016 Landscaping Code Update \Draft TMC Chapter 18.52- Advisory Committee Revisions -2 <br />25 <br />