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Staff Proposed Goals /Policies for Urban Forestry <br />March 13, 2013 Meeting <br />Proposed Urban Forestry Goals, Policies for the Natural Environment Chapter <br />The following goals are an expansion of the existing goals and policies in Chapter 1 of the Comprehensive <br />Plan: See Goal 1.3 and Policies 1.3.1,1.3.2; Goal 1.4 and policies 1.4.1 and 1.4.2; Goal 1.6, second bullet; <br />Policy 1.6.4; Goal 1.7 and policy 1.7.4; Goal 1.8, policy 1.8.3 and 1.8.6; Goal 1.10, Policy 1.10.12 <br />Goal 1: Trees are recognized by Tukwila citizens, businesses, City staff and decision- makers for their <br />benefits to the environment (air quality, habitat, climate change), urban infrastructure (stormwater <br />attenuation, slope stability, temperature) and their aesthetic value (economic benefits, safety /crime <br />reduction, visual and recreational benefits, etc.) Note: a discussion of the benefits of trees will be <br />included in a narrative section that introduces the goal, so they won't need to be in the goal itself). <br />Policies for Goal 1: <br />1. Develop a formal urban forest management plan to promote and guide preservation, <br />restoration and maintenance of a sustainable urban forest, using the goals and policies of this <br />chapter (as a basis) for guidance. <br />2. Ensure that the benefits of trees are factored into site design and permit decisions. <br />3. Ensure that regulations recognize that larger trees provide more benefits than small trees. <br />4. Seek to create and fund an urban forester /municipal arborist position within the City, or <br />contract for such services, to provide expertise for urban forest management planning, <br />oversight of tree planting and maintenance, and assistance to all City departments that have <br />responsibilities for tree management. <br />5. Educate the public, elected officials and City staff about the importance of and benefits provided <br />by trees in Tukwila. <br />6. Develop tree valuation methods to reflect the value trees provide, for use in assessing fines, <br />determining damages or estimating loss of tree benefits. <br />7. Identify funding sources to support urban forestry planning and management and establish an <br />urban forestry budget and account. <br />8. Consider developing an "exceptional" or "heritage" tree program to foster tree appreciation in <br />the community. <br />9. Encourage public involvement in urban forest stewardship through volunteer events, free <br />training workshops, and other means. <br />ly y <br />s <br />j�G J y �1�1%oa+ll <br />/-CA- <br />1 " , r <br />07 +-e-ej 6 <br />CA4 <br />G�- <br />Page 1 of 3 2/28/2013 3:55 PM <br />W:\ \long Range Projects \Urban Forestry\Advisory Committee Materials\Agendas Memos \Meeting 7 \Staff Proposed Urban Forestry Policies <br />100 <br />