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Staff Proposed Goals /Policies for Urban Forestry <br />March 13, 2013 Meeting <br />Goal 2. Tree Canopy Goal: Overall city -wide tree canopy increased to a total of 28% by 2028 by <br />achieving the following goals for different land use categories: <br />Industrial zones: 1 % increase to 14% cover <br />Medium and High Residential Density zones: No net loss to maintain current 40% cover <br />Low Density Residential: No net loss to maintain current 47% cover <br />Office and Commercial: 1% increase to 30% cover <br />Tukwila Urban Center and Tukwila South: 3% increase to achieve 16% cover <br />Policies for Goal 2: <br />1. Promote tree retention throughout the City by: <br />a. implementing educational programs for property owners and managers; <br />b. exploring incentives for tree retention and planting; <br />c. prohibiting tree removal on all undeveloped property without an approved development <br />permit; <br />d. protecting healthy stands or groves of trees on property proposed for development through <br />changes in regulations, including incentives; and <br />e. requiring financial assurances for required tree replanting and maintenance. <br />2. Improve retention of trees on steep slopes through modifications in regulations, ensuring the <br />evaluation of the role that trees play in slope stability during geotechnical reviews, and by <br />providing incentives. <br />3. Require in -kind replacement of trees where removal is allowed to ensure that replacement trees <br />at maturity will have similar canopies to that of the removed tree(s), except where existing or <br />future infrastructure impedes the planting of large trees. <br />4. Require protection of trees for all public and private infrastructure installation or maintenance, <br />and require the presence of a certified arborist when working in the critical root zone. Where <br />damage to trees is not avoidable, require replanting or payment into a tree replacement fund as <br />compensation. <br />5. Require professional assessment of damaged trees and require corrective actions to restore tree <br />health or replace trees that are not likely to survive and thrive. <br />6. When all required replacement trees cannot be accommodated on a site, require off -site <br />planting of replacement trees, or payment into a dedicated tree replacement fund. <br />7. Identify potential tree planting locations on publicly owned properties and develop tree planting <br />and urban forest rehabilitation programs for City parks and other publicly owned lands. <br />Collaborate with other agencies, such as Washington Department of Transportation to promote <br />planting in highway interchanges and other locations. <br />8. Collaborate with other government, non - profit organizations and private sector entities to <br />promote urban forest management and restoration. <br />Page 2 of 3 2/28/2013 3S5 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \Urban Forestry\Advisory Committee Materials\Agendas Memos \Meeting 7 \Staff Proposed Urban Forestry Policies <br />101 <br />