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Finance Committee Minutes ........................................................................................................ ............................... April 18, 2017 <br />Committee members expressed appreciation for the overview as well as support for finding <br />ways to enhance the current process. Staff asked for support to move forward with research <br />into more effective budgeting for results, which can include aspects of zero - based, incentives, <br />and community /participatory involvement, and the Committee agreed. Chair Seal will report <br />to the full Council a summary of the information discussed tonight. She also suggested that <br />Councilmembers may find a history of the evolution of budgeting in Tukwila useful. Staff could <br />take the Police Department budget as an example and show how it has changed formats over <br />the years. DISCUSSION ONLY. <br />III. MISCELLANEOUS <br />Adjourned at 6:20 p.m. <br />i` w..__..... Committee Chair Approval <br />Minutes by LH <br />