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O Z <br />EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMISION MEETING MINUTES <br />}C1 April6,2016 <br />Present: Kathy Hougardy, Dat Tran, Joan Hernandez, Aaron Dragonov <br />Absent: Dr. Nancy Coogan <br />Staff: Rachel Bianchi, Mia Navarro <br />Guests: None <br />Meeting was called to order at 5:21 p.m. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />One copy of Tears We Cannot Stop distribut <br />The agenda was approved by <br />Joan Hernandez made a motion to ap <br />possible use of the Sister <br />motion. The motion pass <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />a. <br />TMC 2.29.020 <br />part of the byl <br />he March meeting <br />urned. <br />utes with changes regarding a <br />:ee budget. Aaron seconded the <br />'he group reviewed Ordinance 2530 that updates TMC <br />the Equity and Diversity Commission, to that Equity and Social <br />pdate to TMC Chapter 2.29 also changes the types of <br />shall have, and adds a high school student representative to <br />}d if the student would be a voting member. The language in <br />3 student is not clear. The group will discuss this question as <br />on at the next meeting. <br />Joan also asked if there would be a separate budget for the Sister City and Civic <br />Engagement Subcommittee. The answer is yes, it has been budgeted for 2017 and 2018. <br />Each year, we have to use the budgeted amount, or we lose it. We can make a <br />recommendation for how to budget for both the subcommittee and the commission <br />during the 2019 -20 budget process. <br />Aaron raised a concern about whether or not Tukwila School District students that are <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />