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enrolled in a Tukwila school, but temporarily living outside of the City of Tukwila <br />because they qualify for McKinney -Vento Homeless Assistance, will be eligible to serve <br />on the Commission. The group will develop language in the bylaws to allow for this <br />circumstance. <br />The group discussed the Vice Chair to Chair succession. Aaron is Vice Chair, so would <br />have become Chair, but wants to remain Vice Chair so Kathy volunteered to be Interim <br />Chair until we get new members and hold elections again. <br />The group discussed the Bylaws in relation to <br />bylaws with TMC 2.29. The group discussed b <br />conflict of interest disclosure form. <br />Members will read and mark -up the <br />b. Membership. TMC 2.29 now k <br />Commission to include others <br />District. We need two City rep <br />and Social Justice allows us to <br />Mia will reconcile the draft <br />3thics training options, and the <br />laws for discussion at the May meeting. <br />dens the schools that can be represented on the <br />ols in the City that are not part of the Tukwila School <br />mtatiues. Broadening the Commission to cover Equity <br />for experts in other fields such as housing. The <br />student that Nancy recommended has not <br />decided to move on to recruit other studei <br />to recruit. The group also discussed alloir <br />quesvon was rai <br />h that pa <br />p also considered r <br />ated in Sister City t <br />al <br />sponded to staff e- mails. The group <br />as well Kathy will go to Teens for Tukwila <br />students to have alternates, and the voting <br />-isidered a teleconference option for <br />ig'former Sister City members, or former <br />Staff will ,develop recruiting materials. <br />c. Equity Policy Update. The group did a brief walk through of the brainstorming that the <br />internal Equity Policy Committee has done so far. The Commission will discuss in May. <br />d. Next Steps. <br />• The Equity Policy will go to Admin team, and the Commission will discuss in May. <br />Then staff will reconvene the committee. <br />• Bylaws in May. <br />• Kathy will recruit at Teens for Tukwila. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />