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STAFF REPORT to tl( <br />Planning Commission <br />8( .,'•SPE, 89 -7 -DR, 89 -1 -CUP: <br />FOSTER HIGH SCHOOL <br />Page 10 <br />The interior of the parking areas contains adequate landscaping except for the <br />pedestrian walkway area. <br />4. BUILDING DESIGN <br />a. Architectural style is not restricted, evaluation of a project should be based <br />on quality of its design and relationship to its surroundings. <br />b. Buildings should be to appropriate scale and in harmony with permanent <br />neighboring developments. <br />C. Building components- such as windows, doors, eaves, and parapets should <br />have good proportions and relationship to one another. Building com- <br />ponents and ancillary parts shall be consistent with anticipated life of <br />structure. <br />d. Colors should be harmonious, with bright or brilliant colors used only for <br />accent. <br />e. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on roof, ground or build- <br />ings should be screened from view. <br />f. Exterior lighting should be part of the architectural concept. Fixtures, <br />standards, and all exposed accessories should be harmonious with build- <br />ing design. <br />g. Monotony of design in single or multiple building projects should be <br />avoided. Variety of detail, form and siting should be used to provide <br />visual interest. <br />The (2) structures while housing substantially different activities are harmon- <br />ious in design. They are separated approximately 55 feet by a wide, paved out- <br />door walkway between the (2) structures which provides for both pedestrians as <br />well as service (and if necessary, emergency) vehicles. They are linked by an <br />enclosed second story walkway which provides protection during cold and /or <br />inclement weather. <br />The peak roof design, while adding to the height of the structures along both <br />public streets, does soften the traditional "institutional" appearance typically <br />associated structures of this type and size. In addition, the variety of heights in <br />the (2) structures and types of coverings (the canopy over the second story <br />interior walkways) also provide visual interest and avoid the "institutional' <br />appearance. The mechanical equipment is concealed beneath the peaked roof <br />portions of the (2) structures. <br />The use of brick on the street facades (42nd and 144th) provide a measure of <br />compatibility with both existing and future residential development. The <br />predominant earthtone colors of the brick veneer (brown, red, and tan with a <br />blue accent) and stucco (light tan or gray) and the off -white color of the metal <br />roof will be harmonious and compatible with existing residential develop- <br />ment. (Color renderings with specific details on the colors have been submit- <br />ted and will be available at the public hearing.) <br />120 <br />